I went for a job interview yesterday afternoon for a dispute resolution paralegal in an international law firm based in Millenia Tower in the City. The circumstances that led to this interview are quite unique:
(1) I was never asked to see the recruiter for an interview- the one who put up the advertisement. This is different from the other recruiters who called me for an initial profiling session;
(2) all communication was done through email or telephone call; and
(3) interestingly, this position was not published on the law firm's careers page on their website.
One might what this has to do with the title of this episode. It has lots to do with the title and this is the link:
During the interview, I felt that I spoke with confidence and answered the questions with heartfelt sincerity. This confidence stems from an internal conviction that grew over time - the conviction that I am called to be a lawyer and that I will eventually qualify.
When all things seem to be gloomy, one's confidence and belief can be shaken. It was the same for me. This happened while I was in London where all my applications for training contracts and paralegal positions were unsuccessful. It was a dampener but despite all this, I stood up and completed the LPC successfully.
On my return home, I had the privilege of being an intern at an international law firm. During that period, I asked myself whether I was on the right track and wondered why is the route to becoming a solicitor so difficult. I wondered whether I should have done a general business degree or even be an accountant.
It was one night that I pulled out one of my journals which recorded some of the many circumstances that led me to pick up law. There were many circumstances that led me into the study of law, one of which was the exposure to law during my polytechnic days.
But, in one of my entries, I recorded that one of my lecturers informed me that the same law module will not be offered to subsequent batches of Business IT students because of a change of curriculum and the introduction of the cross-disciplinary module system. This document was a memory-jolting one!
I am unaware as to whether what my lecturer said really happened. But if it did, then the timing of everything could not be any better than this. If I had entered the course a year later, I would not be where I am right now. A year earlier, there will be no such course because I was the course's pioneer batch of graduates. Therefore, the feeling of been on the wrong track is purely academic because there is no alternate history for me! That means I am on the right track!
I even recalled that my heart was certain that I was to go ahead with my law studies, even though my then girlfriend discouraged me from doing so. In the process, I made a few sacrifices, one of which was to take myself out of the polytechnic Choir which I was quite active then. I also ended my relationship with her sometime then because of irreconciable differences.
So, putting all this together, I can say that my route to becoming a solicitor was a challenging one and it is through all this that have made me more capable to handle challenges. This is how I began my "speech" before the interviewers yesterday and I now await news from the recruiter.
I have been trained as a lawyer and even though the thought of doing business, finance or even accounting have crossed my mind, I have dismissed it because that is not what I am supposed to do.
My calling is indeed to be a lawyer and I look to the day where I will get my license to practice. I believe that even though nothing tangible seems to be emerging, the God of the Bible, the Creator of heaven and earth is working in the background and that we take heart that in all things, God will work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Saturday, 13 September 2008
It has been two weeks since the end of my internship and since then, I have been sending out my CV to legal recruitment agencies for profiling, attending interviews and most importantly, enjoying the retreat from the hustle and bustle of the working life.
During this period, I was largely on my own, walking around my "haunts" on the island, sipping coffee at coffee joints with my latest toy - a 80GB iPod Classic - and book in hand. I have also ransacked my family's library of books for good theological classics to read and chew on.
I think it is appropriate to share some thoughts about a personal project of mine, which is to document my own thoguths on the Christian faith. The contents will largely be my own personal thoughts, but like all lawyers, I will look back on what others have said before (ie the great theologians of the past). I am also looking at incorporating philosophy - both Western and Eastern philosophy into this. It may cause some "disturbance in the force", but ultimately, I want to put forth my own case for the faith - like an advocate will do before he presents his case before the court of law.
Over the years, through all my experiences in life, there has been a growing desire to know the word "Christianity", a word that I have been indicating as my religion on application forms I have been filling up of late at those legal recruitment agencies. This seed was sown during the days with my ex-girlfriend many years ago. This is one of the many positive results of this failed relationship and it is this that I will always thank the LORD for. This seed germinated and grew during my law studies - especially in my final year where I had to do Jurisprudence (ie the philosophy of law) in order to graduate. It has been growing since then but the next significant point was when I was in London. My library of books which I built up in my own room during my nine months (and the occasions where I led Bible Study over there) caused much exponential growth. Now back in Singapore, all this growth culminates (in some sense) in this life-long project of mine and what better time for the launch than in this transitory period, while waiting for my next flight in the journey of life.
But, I don't think I can do this alone. As it is a life-long project, I am praying for the LORD to provide the appropriate companion to come alongside me to assist, guide and inspire.
I guess this can keep my mind occupied during this transitory period. I am praying this period will not be too long and that I can be gainfully employed again! I have been "out of action" for 2 weeks now and am eager to return to the working world. How long, O LORD do I have to wait?
During this period, I was largely on my own, walking around my "haunts" on the island, sipping coffee at coffee joints with my latest toy - a 80GB iPod Classic - and book in hand. I have also ransacked my family's library of books for good theological classics to read and chew on.
I think it is appropriate to share some thoughts about a personal project of mine, which is to document my own thoguths on the Christian faith. The contents will largely be my own personal thoughts, but like all lawyers, I will look back on what others have said before (ie the great theologians of the past). I am also looking at incorporating philosophy - both Western and Eastern philosophy into this. It may cause some "disturbance in the force", but ultimately, I want to put forth my own case for the faith - like an advocate will do before he presents his case before the court of law.
Over the years, through all my experiences in life, there has been a growing desire to know the word "Christianity", a word that I have been indicating as my religion on application forms I have been filling up of late at those legal recruitment agencies. This seed was sown during the days with my ex-girlfriend many years ago. This is one of the many positive results of this failed relationship and it is this that I will always thank the LORD for. This seed germinated and grew during my law studies - especially in my final year where I had to do Jurisprudence (ie the philosophy of law) in order to graduate. It has been growing since then but the next significant point was when I was in London. My library of books which I built up in my own room during my nine months (and the occasions where I led Bible Study over there) caused much exponential growth. Now back in Singapore, all this growth culminates (in some sense) in this life-long project of mine and what better time for the launch than in this transitory period, while waiting for my next flight in the journey of life.
But, I don't think I can do this alone. As it is a life-long project, I am praying for the LORD to provide the appropriate companion to come alongside me to assist, guide and inspire.
I guess this can keep my mind occupied during this transitory period. I am praying this period will not be too long and that I can be gainfully employed again! I have been "out of action" for 2 weeks now and am eager to return to the working world. How long, O LORD do I have to wait?
Monday, 1 September 2008
Today marks the end of my four-week internship at the Singapore office of an international law firm. Well, I leave that place with fond memories and I believe I have thorougly enjoyed myself. The people, the tasks given and the exposure, these will be remembered.
While there's no opening for either an extension or a permanent position, I am not disappointed because I know that this internship will add some weight and "colour" to my CV. I can say that I have worked in an international law firm, experienced the "high-end" work that they do and confirm my position that I am on the right track.
During this internship, I have asked myself why I chose to be a lawyer and why this path to be one. What if I had chosen to do a general business degree and find a comfortable job. Well, in one of my journal entries written during the days of my internship and all that, I was informed by my liaision officer for my SIP that the legal module that I took (which sparked off the interest in law) will not be a compulsory module for the subsequent batches on the Business IT course. This is because of the change in the structure of curriculum.
If this really happened, then I can only say that if I had entered the course later, I would not be where I am now. Hence, there is no alternate history for me and this shows that I am on the right track. So, this gives me the confidence to continue threading on this journey to be a lawyer.
Thanks be to God for the experience and all that has happened. I now take a back seat, scan the field for the next opportunity and take it - even if it is to return to London to work.
This episode has been an adventure and I come out of it happy, at peace and confident.
While there's no opening for either an extension or a permanent position, I am not disappointed because I know that this internship will add some weight and "colour" to my CV. I can say that I have worked in an international law firm, experienced the "high-end" work that they do and confirm my position that I am on the right track.
During this internship, I have asked myself why I chose to be a lawyer and why this path to be one. What if I had chosen to do a general business degree and find a comfortable job. Well, in one of my journal entries written during the days of my internship and all that, I was informed by my liaision officer for my SIP that the legal module that I took (which sparked off the interest in law) will not be a compulsory module for the subsequent batches on the Business IT course. This is because of the change in the structure of curriculum.
If this really happened, then I can only say that if I had entered the course later, I would not be where I am now. Hence, there is no alternate history for me and this shows that I am on the right track. So, this gives me the confidence to continue threading on this journey to be a lawyer.
Thanks be to God for the experience and all that has happened. I now take a back seat, scan the field for the next opportunity and take it - even if it is to return to London to work.
This episode has been an adventure and I come out of it happy, at peace and confident.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
In the previous episode, I gave my initial impressions of the English firm as an intern.
Three weeks have since passed and I must say that I have learnt alot, seen alot and read alot. I have undertaken quite a variety of tasks from the different departments. This ranged from conducting research on the oil and gas industry in Indonesia, Australia and the African countries to proof-reading transactional documents. I even had to conduct research on the private equity houses and the various investment banks. What an eye-opener!
I am still in the midst of taking stock on all these experiences. There's still another week to go and I look forward to it.
Three weeks have since passed and I must say that I have learnt alot, seen alot and read alot. I have undertaken quite a variety of tasks from the different departments. This ranged from conducting research on the oil and gas industry in Indonesia, Australia and the African countries to proof-reading transactional documents. I even had to conduct research on the private equity houses and the various investment banks. What an eye-opener!
I am still in the midst of taking stock on all these experiences. There's still another week to go and I look forward to it.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
I write this episode with a humbly thankful heart. Why? Well, by His grace and mercy, the LORD provided a 4-week internship in the Singapore office of an English law firm and I have completed my first week.
On my first day, I believed I entered an entirely different realm! Those are only, in my honest opinion, the best words to describe it. One can only fully understand what I am saying when one is in the firm. It may only be the first day, but by the fact that I already have such comments, it is quite telling!
I believe that things will heat up and get more interesting in the coming days. Therefore, it is all the more that I continue to disregard all my pride, humbly perform all tasks to the best of my ability and giving thanks to the LORD each day. I am also of the opinion that through this, He will show me first-hand what it REALLY means to be humble. It is a terribly difficult thing to do if we rely solely on our own human strength.
Well, this is not the first humbling experience I had thus far, but I can say that this reinforces the meaning of my Chinese name "敬善", when translated means "respectfully submitting to what is good". These characters were decided upon by my late paternal grandfather after thoughtful study into the life of King Josiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
Even though my grandfather is no longer around to tell me directly why he chose those characters, it will serve as a constant reminder of what I need to do which is neatly summarised in my life verse, Micah 6:8 (ie to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with my God), These are the things that are good - which the LORD has shown through His Son, Jesus Christ.
On my first day, I believed I entered an entirely different realm! Those are only, in my honest opinion, the best words to describe it. One can only fully understand what I am saying when one is in the firm. It may only be the first day, but by the fact that I already have such comments, it is quite telling!
I believe that things will heat up and get more interesting in the coming days. Therefore, it is all the more that I continue to disregard all my pride, humbly perform all tasks to the best of my ability and giving thanks to the LORD each day. I am also of the opinion that through this, He will show me first-hand what it REALLY means to be humble. It is a terribly difficult thing to do if we rely solely on our own human strength.
Well, this is not the first humbling experience I had thus far, but I can say that this reinforces the meaning of my Chinese name "敬善", when translated means "respectfully submitting to what is good". These characters were decided upon by my late paternal grandfather after thoughtful study into the life of King Josiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
Even though my grandfather is no longer around to tell me directly why he chose those characters, it will serve as a constant reminder of what I need to do which is neatly summarised in my life verse, Micah 6:8 (ie to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with my God), These are the things that are good - which the LORD has shown through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Friday, 18 July 2008
SEASON 4 EPISODE 2: This is your Captain speaking...
I write this episode with a joyful heart, praising the LORD for what He has done.
At 11pm last night, I was informed that my results for the LPC electives have been released. So, I went to check and braced myself for the moment of truth. When I saw the results, I was thrilled to find that I had scored Distinctions in my Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions and a Commendation in Entertainment & Media! With the addition of 3 Commendations for my Core subjects in February, I am pleased to announce that I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE LPC AT FIRST ATTEMPT with a total of 4 Commendations and 2 Distinctions and a clean sweep of the Skills and Pervasives! I believe this will act as a positive counter to the 2:2 LLB I obtained on the London External.
There was a moment of shock and disbelief that I had scored Distinctions in the 2 modules which I did not have much confidence in doing well for!! However, my heart sank a bit when I found out I obtained a Commendation for the module that made me choose Westminster - Entertainment and Media. Well, now having known these grades, I would like to know why I have been given those grades and I have requested for the feedback sheets to be mailed to me.
What are my thoughts on this? Well, I look at these results as a signpost in the direction of corporate law and acquisitions. In that sense, it is a confirmation of what the LORD impressed upon my heart to choose these electives last November. All thanks and praise to the LORD of my salvation!
The release of the results also marks the moment for me to "activate" the next step - which is to touch base with the contacts whom I know here in Singapore and in London. As always, the LORD, the ever faithful captain of the ship of life will steer it to the next destination. So, as the LORD says over the PA: "This is Your captain speaking...", may my ears and heart be attentive to listen out for Him.
At 11pm last night, I was informed that my results for the LPC electives have been released. So, I went to check and braced myself for the moment of truth. When I saw the results, I was thrilled to find that I had scored Distinctions in my Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions and a Commendation in Entertainment & Media! With the addition of 3 Commendations for my Core subjects in February, I am pleased to announce that I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE LPC AT FIRST ATTEMPT with a total of 4 Commendations and 2 Distinctions and a clean sweep of the Skills and Pervasives! I believe this will act as a positive counter to the 2:2 LLB I obtained on the London External.
There was a moment of shock and disbelief that I had scored Distinctions in the 2 modules which I did not have much confidence in doing well for!! However, my heart sank a bit when I found out I obtained a Commendation for the module that made me choose Westminster - Entertainment and Media. Well, now having known these grades, I would like to know why I have been given those grades and I have requested for the feedback sheets to be mailed to me.
What are my thoughts on this? Well, I look at these results as a signpost in the direction of corporate law and acquisitions. In that sense, it is a confirmation of what the LORD impressed upon my heart to choose these electives last November. All thanks and praise to the LORD of my salvation!
The release of the results also marks the moment for me to "activate" the next step - which is to touch base with the contacts whom I know here in Singapore and in London. As always, the LORD, the ever faithful captain of the ship of life will steer it to the next destination. So, as the LORD says over the PA: "This is Your captain speaking...", may my ears and heart be attentive to listen out for Him.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
SEASON 4 EPISODE 1: Back home
Greetings to all readers from my home country in Singapore!
It has been just over a week since I returned from London and have been spending this week adjusting to the climate, the environment and all! The other thing is to enjoy the comforts of having my entire family in the house. This is because my brother has returned from Perth for his 2-week mid-term break and will be leaving in a week's time.
As I now enter this new week, I brace myself for the release of my elective examination results on Thursday. These results will determine my overall performance on the LPC, so these are important!
The common question I have been asked by many this week is how long I will be in Singapore for and the answer I give is that I do not know. It can be as short as it can be or as long as it can be. I am sure something will crystallise once my results are released on Thursday. A job opportunity over there in London? That's something I am praying for and when that comes around, I will respond and head back.
In the meantime, I am now, amongst other things catching up on the reading of books that I bought before leaving for London. I am also penning down reflections as I mull over cetain personal issues and setting things right. The penning down of reflections is something I grew into while in London...
Do miss London and all the people whom I have gotten to know. There are lots of things I can do while in London and if I had a choice of whether to stay or go, I would choose the latter. Living overseas either shapes or breaks you and for me, I believe it is the former.
The one thing that I lack is a companion to share these experiences with, someone who commits herself to following me around, which includes travelling to England and staying there for a couple of years. In that sense, my ideal companion is a Rebekah as in Genesis 24. I trust that the LORD knows who is best and will provide at the appointed moment.
Thanks be to GOD!
It has been just over a week since I returned from London and have been spending this week adjusting to the climate, the environment and all! The other thing is to enjoy the comforts of having my entire family in the house. This is because my brother has returned from Perth for his 2-week mid-term break and will be leaving in a week's time.
As I now enter this new week, I brace myself for the release of my elective examination results on Thursday. These results will determine my overall performance on the LPC, so these are important!
The common question I have been asked by many this week is how long I will be in Singapore for and the answer I give is that I do not know. It can be as short as it can be or as long as it can be. I am sure something will crystallise once my results are released on Thursday. A job opportunity over there in London? That's something I am praying for and when that comes around, I will respond and head back.
In the meantime, I am now, amongst other things catching up on the reading of books that I bought before leaving for London. I am also penning down reflections as I mull over cetain personal issues and setting things right. The penning down of reflections is something I grew into while in London...
Do miss London and all the people whom I have gotten to know. There are lots of things I can do while in London and if I had a choice of whether to stay or go, I would choose the latter. Living overseas either shapes or breaks you and for me, I believe it is the former.
The one thing that I lack is a companion to share these experiences with, someone who commits herself to following me around, which includes travelling to England and staying there for a couple of years. In that sense, my ideal companion is a Rebekah as in Genesis 24. I trust that the LORD knows who is best and will provide at the appointed moment.
Thanks be to GOD!
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
This epilogue is written on the final full day in London. I will be booking out of my hall tomorrow morning at about 7am to head for the LCF Summer Term Prayer Breakfast en route to Heathrow Terminal 4.
I have been spending the past few days packing, preparing to get my cartons taken away and meeting up with a couple of people. I have also been asked to lead worship at Sanctuary later tonight and have been preparing for that. It is a privilege and honour to be able to lead God's people into His presence.
Before all this, I have a lunch appointment to go to, to check-in online for my flight tomorrow and buying a gift for a friend. Indeed, it has all come down to this final day wherein I will bid farewell to this place I called home for the past 10 months and 12.5 hours later, I will be back in my home country to be greeted and welcomed by my family.
So, as mentioned in Episode 24, I will write a reflective entry to round up Season 3 and these will be my reflections:
I came to London in September 2007 without the faintest idea of what I will be expecting apart from doing the LPC. I knew I had to also look at training contract applications and spent the entire duration of the course doing that too.
To top it all, I was also involved in Christian service at All Souls Church during my SWOT days and a musician. I also got to know the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship to which I have made some good Christian friends. Lastly, there was Sanctuary at Methodist Central Hall where I served as a musician/singer. All these exposure and experiences have helped me shape my character, moulded my own perspective on being a Chrisitian lawyer and most importantly, created a growing desire for a deeper knowledge of the Christian faith. I believe my ministry is not confined to just music, but also that of preaching.
Indeed, this is THE one thing I want to thank the LORD for - even though I may not have secured any training contract. I would not have gotten all these experiences if I elected to stay in Singapore.
The LORD has also provided a one-time opportunity to gain some work experience in a London law firm for 3 weeks and to earn some extra money - that literally being, my first fruits! I set aside 10% of this amount to be given in gratitude to God for this provisions.
Indeed, this is a day of thanksgiving for all He has done in my entire time here in London. I will definitely miss this wonderful place and the people who have crossed my path. As I head back to Singapore tomorrow afternoon, I go back to be with my family and friends and wait upon the LORD.
The journey hence continues and I pray that I will be in tune with the LORD to discern the next mission. This could range from settling the affairs of the heart to providing a job opportunity back here. When He calls, I will obey and respond- even if it does not follow what my heart humanly desires.
So, just like a James Bond movie where the opening scenes usually show 007 completing a previsou mission before heading back to MI6 to receive his next mission from M.
The same goes for me. Season 3 concludes and I return to Singapore to receive my next mission.
I have been spending the past few days packing, preparing to get my cartons taken away and meeting up with a couple of people. I have also been asked to lead worship at Sanctuary later tonight and have been preparing for that. It is a privilege and honour to be able to lead God's people into His presence.
Before all this, I have a lunch appointment to go to, to check-in online for my flight tomorrow and buying a gift for a friend. Indeed, it has all come down to this final day wherein I will bid farewell to this place I called home for the past 10 months and 12.5 hours later, I will be back in my home country to be greeted and welcomed by my family.
So, as mentioned in Episode 24, I will write a reflective entry to round up Season 3 and these will be my reflections:
I came to London in September 2007 without the faintest idea of what I will be expecting apart from doing the LPC. I knew I had to also look at training contract applications and spent the entire duration of the course doing that too.
To top it all, I was also involved in Christian service at All Souls Church during my SWOT days and a musician. I also got to know the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship to which I have made some good Christian friends. Lastly, there was Sanctuary at Methodist Central Hall where I served as a musician/singer. All these exposure and experiences have helped me shape my character, moulded my own perspective on being a Chrisitian lawyer and most importantly, created a growing desire for a deeper knowledge of the Christian faith. I believe my ministry is not confined to just music, but also that of preaching.
Indeed, this is THE one thing I want to thank the LORD for - even though I may not have secured any training contract. I would not have gotten all these experiences if I elected to stay in Singapore.
The LORD has also provided a one-time opportunity to gain some work experience in a London law firm for 3 weeks and to earn some extra money - that literally being, my first fruits! I set aside 10% of this amount to be given in gratitude to God for this provisions.
Indeed, this is a day of thanksgiving for all He has done in my entire time here in London. I will definitely miss this wonderful place and the people who have crossed my path. As I head back to Singapore tomorrow afternoon, I go back to be with my family and friends and wait upon the LORD.
The journey hence continues and I pray that I will be in tune with the LORD to discern the next mission. This could range from settling the affairs of the heart to providing a job opportunity back here. When He calls, I will obey and respond- even if it does not follow what my heart humanly desires.
So, just like a James Bond movie where the opening scenes usually show 007 completing a previsou mission before heading back to MI6 to receive his next mission from M.
The same goes for me. Season 3 concludes and I return to Singapore to receive my next mission.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
It is finally over! The course that I began 9 months ago wrapped up for me at 5pm last Friday when we were told to "put our pens down and stop writing".
So, now to bow out of London and head home to Singapore. This means packing, arranging with the shipping company to take my things away and enjoying the rest of my time here before I fly out at or around 12.15pm on Friday, 4th July.
I have a couple of lunch appointments on Tuesday and Thursday this coming week, attending my final cell group on Wednesday evening and the final Sanctuary meeting on Thursday evening. I also have some shopping to do for my family and friends.
On Friday, I will be checking out of my hall at around 7am so that I can attend a Summer Term Prayer Breakfast organised by the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship at Middle Temple at 8am. Once that finishes at 9am, I will then make my way to Heathrow by Tube. I aim to get to Heathrow by 10am or so in order that I can check in and get ready to fly out.
It's a long journey back - about 12.5 hours in the air and when I land, I not only have to forward my body clock by 7 hours, but also brace myself for the tropical Singapore weather (especially since I will be arriving in the morning!).
I definitely have fond memories of this place and I will surely miss all my friends here. I have no idea what the plan is right now - but I do pray that I can return in the near future to advance my career and qualify as an English solicitor.
However, I also return to begin the next phase of my life - which is currently (subject to change) a mixture of personal and professional agendas. So, I have mixed feelings of leaving a place I called home for the last 9 months. The image of heading home excites me because I will be back with my friends and family. But, the image of leaving this country saddens me.
This episode will be the penultimate episode of Season 3. The final episode (Episode 24) will be a reflective episode of my entire time here in London before I board the plane for Singapore. Thereafter, Season 4, location: Singapore
So, now to bow out of London and head home to Singapore. This means packing, arranging with the shipping company to take my things away and enjoying the rest of my time here before I fly out at or around 12.15pm on Friday, 4th July.
I have a couple of lunch appointments on Tuesday and Thursday this coming week, attending my final cell group on Wednesday evening and the final Sanctuary meeting on Thursday evening. I also have some shopping to do for my family and friends.
On Friday, I will be checking out of my hall at around 7am so that I can attend a Summer Term Prayer Breakfast organised by the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship at Middle Temple at 8am. Once that finishes at 9am, I will then make my way to Heathrow by Tube. I aim to get to Heathrow by 10am or so in order that I can check in and get ready to fly out.
It's a long journey back - about 12.5 hours in the air and when I land, I not only have to forward my body clock by 7 hours, but also brace myself for the tropical Singapore weather (especially since I will be arriving in the morning!).
I definitely have fond memories of this place and I will surely miss all my friends here. I have no idea what the plan is right now - but I do pray that I can return in the near future to advance my career and qualify as an English solicitor.
However, I also return to begin the next phase of my life - which is currently (subject to change) a mixture of personal and professional agendas. So, I have mixed feelings of leaving a place I called home for the last 9 months. The image of heading home excites me because I will be back with my friends and family. But, the image of leaving this country saddens me.
This episode will be the penultimate episode of Season 3. The final episode (Episode 24) will be a reflective episode of my entire time here in London before I board the plane for Singapore. Thereafter, Season 4, location: Singapore
Thursday, 12 June 2008
As I named this episode "The Peace", I am reminded of an old worship song that I used to sing in Sunday School many many years ago:
He is my peace, who has broken down every wall
He is my peace, He is my peace!
He is my peace, who has broken down every wall
He is my peace, He is my peace!
He is my peace, He is my peace!
Why do I say that? Well, as I prepared for The Move in Part I (see below), I received an email from the large City firm I applied to for a training contract. I was informed that I was not shortlisted for an interview, resulting in the end of the road.
I have been hoping and praying very hard about this application. So, when I got this, one could imagine how devastated I was. I was even reduced to tears for a while.
As I sobbed in my room, I really wished I had a physical shoulder to cry on and a companion with me to comfort me. Apart from the LORD, the only persons I could go back to were my parents. I managed to talk to them over SKYPE and I was very surprised and comforted that my mum was clearly not disappointed with the outcome. She said that as she read my email, it was impressed upon her that the way is very clear (ie to return to the firm I had the God-given opportunity to undergo 3 weeks of work experience back in April).
I took great comfort in that, but I was not entirely convinced that was the way and was advised me to see whether there is a message from the LORD at church on Sunday. More of that later.
But, it is what happened in the course of this week that is of more importance. One of the steps I took, after consulting my parents was to inform one of my lecturers about it who knew about my application and see what would happen.
I approached my lecturer on Tuesday and to my surprise, he did something which I did not think would happen - to call the firm's HR Department on my behalf! From there, he was able to get the firm to send me written feedback on why I was not shortlisted!!
The feedback illustrated not only what went wrong with my application, but also the standard that I had to rise up to in order to get into their firm (or perhaps, any City firm). The negative comments made my heart very heavy and I carried that heavy heart throughout that day. In fact, I also realised that I would not be able to meet that standard because to do so will be going against my own character!
Wednesday morning was perhaps the positive climax of all that had happened. I thought I did not receive a word from the LORD on Sunday that was specific to my situation. But, on my father's advice (who later told me that he believed there was a word for me there), I revisited the notes I took from the sermon on "Food sacrificed to idols" (1 Corinthians 8:1-13). The focus of that sermon was 1 Corinthians 8:1b which read: "Knowledge puffs up, but loves builds up".
I then recalled that as I listened to the sermon, I thought about my profession as a lawyer. We lawyers have special knowledge that the lay man would not have (ie the knowledge of the law). Now, we would like to think that we will be one level higher than the lay man - which often leads to being proud about it. But, as a Christian lawyer, what is our Code of Conduct? We perform our legal duties as a form of service to the community, which is driven by love. My Quiet Time in the Daily Bread that day was my life verse Micah 6:8. Philip Yancey was the writer of the QT and he used this verse to remind us of our obedience to God and our "assigned tasks". To me, I believe my assigned tasks are to complete the LPC exams and to be a lawyer. This is my obedience to the LORD. Once again, the words in Micah 6:8 of "walk humbly with your God" struck me.
Now, what does all this have to do with the City firm? Well, I have been reminded time and time again that my Achilles' heel is this tendency to be arrogant. I believe that will be harder to control if I was working in a prestigious firm and receiving a big pay packet in the City. Instead, I believe the LORD has shown me - through this experience - that I am more suited for a non-flashy environment where I can contribute more, learn more and most importantly, develop the character of being humble. The humility part is also linked to my name and confirms my late grandfather's wisdom when he picked my Chinese name.
I have now gone on to call the firm I worked with for 3 weeks in April to ask whether there is any opening for a paralegal. This is my part of the deal and I submit this to the LORD to do His part as I now return to my preparations for exams in peace. I will head off to Sanctuary at Methodist Central Hall with that spirit of thanksgiving because of Jesus, who is my Peace!
Thanks be to God! Amen!
Saturday, 7 June 2008
I write this blog entry from my new room across the street from where I was since September 2007.
Yes, my tenancy agreement at Room C02-8 ends tomorrow and I will be in Room B07-6 until 4th July 2008. Well, first up, my new room is not as big as the previous one. See pictures below.
Taken from the door. You can see that I am not exactly very tidy.. :p
Taken from the bed.
The cardboard box contains books and the files on the top shelf are my notes.
As you will probably see, I do have a lot of things to move over (not to mention I bought and brought lots of books on various genres. This is something I accumulated over 9 months but I don't regret it). I am hence grateful to God for providing the opportunity to move out ahead of schedule and it was a smooth one.
I was to move out tomorrow at midday, but a note was shoved through my door at about midday today informing me that my new room is ready and I could start moving my belongings. I spent almost the entire morning packing and the entire afternoon moving them over. There are no lifts, just staircases and it was an entire OMO (one man operation). I thank God it went smoothly and I look forward to having a good rest tonight and ready to shift gear to "revision mode" as I enter the 1-week revision before the exams begin the following week.
This episode is just the first part of what happened to me this week. There will be a Part II. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
As I look forward to this day, one month later (ie Friday, 4th July 2008), I see myself boarding a plane from Heathrow which heads for Singapore. Yes, 4th July is the day I plan to return home to reunite with family and friends. It has been a quick 9 months since I arrived on 10th September 2007 save for the 2-week Christmas break. Time sure flies.
But, it is my prayer (and for those who know the situation I am in) that when I board the plane, I will board it, fully briefed on what my next "mission" is to be. It is akin to James Bond when M tells him of his next mission. Although, I don't think M will tell James of the dangers that come with the mission. He will be guided by his contacts in the mission field, along with the resources he obtains from Q.
Who and what is the "M" and "Q" in my life? The LORD is like "M" to me and the Bible, the written Word is my "Q". The LORD only knows the full details of the mission and He will reveal the necessary details for me to move. However, unlike James Bond who only uses his "Q Gadgets" to get him out of danger, the written Word is my everything. It is used to get me out of danger, it is used to comfort me when I am down and it is also used to teach me the ways of my "M", my LORD!
I now cast my thoughts to the present time and ask the same question of my "mission field". Well, the mission has been the same all along (ie to get through the LPC) and as I received the result of my last assessment (a Probate assessment) before the exams, I thank the LORD for the"1st attempt clearance" stamp on my LPC passport (an analogy I used in one of my previous episodes) to prepare for and sit the exams.
So, this is the final leg of - what has been - a hectic 9-month journey. I think all of us on the LPC will agree that we all need a good summer break. For me, that break is to pack up my bags and head home. But, I pray that as I pack, I might have a glimpse of what my next mission is to be.
Hear these prayers of your child, O LORD! I believe in You, but help my unbelief. Amen.
But, it is my prayer (and for those who know the situation I am in) that when I board the plane, I will board it, fully briefed on what my next "mission" is to be. It is akin to James Bond when M tells him of his next mission. Although, I don't think M will tell James of the dangers that come with the mission. He will be guided by his contacts in the mission field, along with the resources he obtains from Q.
Who and what is the "M" and "Q" in my life? The LORD is like "M" to me and the Bible, the written Word is my "Q". The LORD only knows the full details of the mission and He will reveal the necessary details for me to move. However, unlike James Bond who only uses his "Q Gadgets" to get him out of danger, the written Word is my everything. It is used to get me out of danger, it is used to comfort me when I am down and it is also used to teach me the ways of my "M", my LORD!
I now cast my thoughts to the present time and ask the same question of my "mission field". Well, the mission has been the same all along (ie to get through the LPC) and as I received the result of my last assessment (a Probate assessment) before the exams, I thank the LORD for the"1st attempt clearance" stamp on my LPC passport (an analogy I used in one of my previous episodes) to prepare for and sit the exams.
So, this is the final leg of - what has been - a hectic 9-month journey. I think all of us on the LPC will agree that we all need a good summer break. For me, that break is to pack up my bags and head home. But, I pray that as I pack, I might have a glimpse of what my next mission is to be.
Hear these prayers of your child, O LORD! I believe in You, but help my unbelief. Amen.
Friday, 30 May 2008
Yes, the title says it all... Have you ever received a nudge from God? Well, I believe I have in the course of the week.
The nudge came through one of my lecturers in school whom I wrote to sometime back in respect of an application to another City firm for a training contract. Now, how the opportunity arose to apply to this City firm is another story for a more appropriate time.
Since I wrote to my lecturer for advice on this firm, I have submitted the application for a training contract and even arranged to have a tour of the firm. I have since committed the application to the LORD and ask Him to take control of it.
On Tuesday, my lecturer - out of the blue - tapped me on the shoulder and asked me how that application was coming along while I was in school computer lab writing an email. That caught me by surprise and he arranged that I see him after class on Wednesday.
During that conversation after lunch on Wednesday, he gave some thoughtful advice and told me what - I believe - the next step should be in respect of this application.
On the way back home after the conversation, I had this sense within me saying that what he said was a nudge from the LORD saying "this is the next step". I acted upon the advice and performed that next step on Thursday. The effects of that step was rather amazing for me.
I believe that through this, the LORD is showing me that He is working at it and there is no need for me to worry. Thanks be to GOD!
To close, I echo what I believe God is saying to me at the end of my last entry [see Episode 19]: "... Don't you worry now, focus on your exams in the meantime and let me work on it."
In light of what happened this week, this is my response: "Thank you LORD for showing me that you are working on it. The nudge this week has raised my hopes and allayed my fears. You are in charge and I wait upon the next nudge from you. Amen!"
The nudge came through one of my lecturers in school whom I wrote to sometime back in respect of an application to another City firm for a training contract. Now, how the opportunity arose to apply to this City firm is another story for a more appropriate time.
Since I wrote to my lecturer for advice on this firm, I have submitted the application for a training contract and even arranged to have a tour of the firm. I have since committed the application to the LORD and ask Him to take control of it.
On Tuesday, my lecturer - out of the blue - tapped me on the shoulder and asked me how that application was coming along while I was in school computer lab writing an email. That caught me by surprise and he arranged that I see him after class on Wednesday.
During that conversation after lunch on Wednesday, he gave some thoughtful advice and told me what - I believe - the next step should be in respect of this application.
On the way back home after the conversation, I had this sense within me saying that what he said was a nudge from the LORD saying "this is the next step". I acted upon the advice and performed that next step on Thursday. The effects of that step was rather amazing for me.
I believe that through this, the LORD is showing me that He is working at it and there is no need for me to worry. Thanks be to GOD!
To close, I echo what I believe God is saying to me at the end of my last entry [see Episode 19]: "... Don't you worry now, focus on your exams in the meantime and let me work on it."
In light of what happened this week, this is my response: "Thank you LORD for showing me that you are working on it. The nudge this week has raised my hopes and allayed my fears. You are in charge and I wait upon the next nudge from you. Amen!"
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Yes, I received news from my folks back in Singapore that the City firm which had been hovering around a couple of previous episodes have turned me down for a training contract in a letter. I am quite surprised why they sent it to my home address, but I will also check my Hall reception to see whether a similar letter has been sent to me.
How do I feel about it? Well, I am not really surprised by it. In fact, the letter confirms what I feel about the application. When I saw nothing was coming through 2 weeks after the closing date of 30th April, I knew somehow that I was not successful.
But, I know that when such a thing happens, the LORD will also open another door of opportunity. It has been evidenced time and time again in my life and I do pray that the opening will be made known soon.
So, this entry marks the end of the road and I would like to end the entry by saying that the LORD knows what's best for me and this brings to mind Isaiah 55:8 which reads:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
YAHWEH even goes on to say in verse 9 that "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Hence, not only are the LORD's ways different from (and in this present case, contrary) my own ways, His ways are even higher than my own ways. Further, the LORD asks rhetorically whether He has any competitor or equal (Isaiah 40:25). What more can I say? All I can do is to submit in humility to Him and let Him do His part.
In this case, I recalled that as I prepared for this application, I felt quite strongly that this was the firm for me and spent a considerable amount of time putting the application together. But, I guess the LORD has something else for me, something better.
I will just have to wait.
What do I do in the meantime? Nope, not to put my feet up and do nothing, but to focus on what is important (ie preparations for the final set of exams). But, as I say this, I also bear in mind that there are many other peripheral issues such as finding a place to stay after the course and securing some form of employment. It is humanly easy to get worked up over this, but I pray for the peace of Christ each day to reign and to be comforted to know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)
So, in writing this, I believe the LORD is saying somthing like this:
"No, Josiah, that is not the place I want you to be because that is not the place for you. I have something better for you. Don't you worry now, focus on your exams in the meantime and let me work on it."
Monday, 19 May 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 18: Reflections
I am taking a "break" from factual reports of my adventures here in England and go into reflective mode.
There are a few areas which I want to reflect upon. The first is the profession I am entering into (ie the law). I think I have been "conditioned" to reflect from young, all thanks to the habits of keeping a journal as well as the training contract application forms I have been filling up since I came to London last September.
(1) My journey into law
I believe it is good to think about such things at times and I don't think I ever had a chance to properly reflect on my journey to being a lawyer thus far. I guess one reason is because my undergraduate days were spent juggling my National Service commitments and the part-time classes. I thank the LORD that despite the challenges I faced, I managed to secure a 2:2. All thanks and praise to God.
Now that I am "away" from everything and in a foreign land, despite the demands of the course, I am thankful that I am able to take stock of my journey. On reflection, I must say that I am guilty of "being money-minded" when I initially decided to pursue law. I imagined the amount of money I will be earning as a lawyer and that left a smile on my face.
Strangely, I even recalled when I was much younger and began reading the newspapers, I would always look out for the "In the Courts" section and read about the reported cases. But, I never had the intention of becoming a lawyer. Hm, was the seed planted then?
Well, through my work experiences at the law firms and my studies, the money mind has since taken a lower priority and the vocational aspect takes centre-stage. The exposure to legal problem-solving has also intrigued me that I do look forward to the day when I can "talk shop" with my contemporaries. The experiences at court hearings have also made me consider being an advocate and I can imagine myself speaking in court, delivering my speech and arguments.
Through my interaction with people, I am often asked the question "what area of law I want to practice" and mostly postive comments on becoming a lawyer. My answer to this question would be that I am currently interested in corporate/commercial and litigation [both private client and corporate/commercial] But, I do eventually want to be an entertainment and media lawyer.
Now, this is perhaps the motivating factor behind my journey into law - the Christian faith. I always believed that the LORD called me into law in order that I could expound His law. I have even received comments that my name "Josiah" is a good name for a Christian lawyer. [Thank you Mum and Dad for that name!]
(2) My faith as a Christian
I believed I have grown exponentially in the faith since I came to London. I don't think I would have experienced something similar if I remained back home. The worship songs I have been listening to and singing, the books I have read and the many "moments of quiet" has undoubtedly turned me closer to Christ.
Now, I believe (1) and (2) are inter-linked. In the biblical canon of 66 books, there is a consistent theme of "looking back". Moses, David (through his Psalms) and the other prophets did it in the Old Testament and Paul in his Epistles in the New Testament. We all should therefore be thankful for the availability of Scripture.
We Christians are also called to remember what the LORD has done in our lives. When we look back, we marvel at the LORD's hand at work and this gives us the hope for the future as we "look forward".
How does this link with (1)? Well, as lawyers trained in the common law, we are in the business of "looking back", whether it is when we are dealing with our clients' problems that have happened in the past or researching cases. This parallel gives me great comfort hope as I look forward to the day where the images as mentioned above will be a reality. Till then, I am still an "aspiring" lawyer.
(3) My ambitions, hopes and plans
Just as I have looked back on my mission on the road to be a Christian lawyer, I now look forward. What lies ahead? Well, what I do know is that in a few weeks time, I will be writing the exams of my electives.
So, it is time to shift to "revision mode". I sense the pressure within myself to get to that mode now because I want to end the LPC on a positive note. The other "here and now" is to make the application for a training contract at a reputable City law firm and to settle my flight ticket to return home for the summer.
What I have also learnt since I came to England was the need to adopt a detailed approach towards everything, especially my studies. It is therefore no wonder England is the place for law. I am glad to be training as an English lawyer and I pray that I will be able to adopt this mindset.
Above all this, what is definitely certain is that all my other ambitions, hopes and plans are in the hands and heart of the Father above. To which, I need not worry - but it is humanly difficult and like in all things, it takes time.
There are a few areas which I want to reflect upon. The first is the profession I am entering into (ie the law). I think I have been "conditioned" to reflect from young, all thanks to the habits of keeping a journal as well as the training contract application forms I have been filling up since I came to London last September.
(1) My journey into law
I believe it is good to think about such things at times and I don't think I ever had a chance to properly reflect on my journey to being a lawyer thus far. I guess one reason is because my undergraduate days were spent juggling my National Service commitments and the part-time classes. I thank the LORD that despite the challenges I faced, I managed to secure a 2:2. All thanks and praise to God.
Now that I am "away" from everything and in a foreign land, despite the demands of the course, I am thankful that I am able to take stock of my journey. On reflection, I must say that I am guilty of "being money-minded" when I initially decided to pursue law. I imagined the amount of money I will be earning as a lawyer and that left a smile on my face.
Strangely, I even recalled when I was much younger and began reading the newspapers, I would always look out for the "In the Courts" section and read about the reported cases. But, I never had the intention of becoming a lawyer. Hm, was the seed planted then?
Well, through my work experiences at the law firms and my studies, the money mind has since taken a lower priority and the vocational aspect takes centre-stage. The exposure to legal problem-solving has also intrigued me that I do look forward to the day when I can "talk shop" with my contemporaries. The experiences at court hearings have also made me consider being an advocate and I can imagine myself speaking in court, delivering my speech and arguments.
Through my interaction with people, I am often asked the question "what area of law I want to practice" and mostly postive comments on becoming a lawyer. My answer to this question would be that I am currently interested in corporate/commercial and litigation [both private client and corporate/commercial] But, I do eventually want to be an entertainment and media lawyer.
Now, this is perhaps the motivating factor behind my journey into law - the Christian faith. I always believed that the LORD called me into law in order that I could expound His law. I have even received comments that my name "Josiah" is a good name for a Christian lawyer. [Thank you Mum and Dad for that name!]
(2) My faith as a Christian
I believed I have grown exponentially in the faith since I came to London. I don't think I would have experienced something similar if I remained back home. The worship songs I have been listening to and singing, the books I have read and the many "moments of quiet" has undoubtedly turned me closer to Christ.
Now, I believe (1) and (2) are inter-linked. In the biblical canon of 66 books, there is a consistent theme of "looking back". Moses, David (through his Psalms) and the other prophets did it in the Old Testament and Paul in his Epistles in the New Testament. We all should therefore be thankful for the availability of Scripture.
We Christians are also called to remember what the LORD has done in our lives. When we look back, we marvel at the LORD's hand at work and this gives us the hope for the future as we "look forward".
How does this link with (1)? Well, as lawyers trained in the common law, we are in the business of "looking back", whether it is when we are dealing with our clients' problems that have happened in the past or researching cases. This parallel gives me great comfort hope as I look forward to the day where the images as mentioned above will be a reality. Till then, I am still an "aspiring" lawyer.
(3) My ambitions, hopes and plans
Just as I have looked back on my mission on the road to be a Christian lawyer, I now look forward. What lies ahead? Well, what I do know is that in a few weeks time, I will be writing the exams of my electives.
So, it is time to shift to "revision mode". I sense the pressure within myself to get to that mode now because I want to end the LPC on a positive note. The other "here and now" is to make the application for a training contract at a reputable City law firm and to settle my flight ticket to return home for the summer.
What I have also learnt since I came to England was the need to adopt a detailed approach towards everything, especially my studies. It is therefore no wonder England is the place for law. I am glad to be training as an English lawyer and I pray that I will be able to adopt this mindset.
Above all this, what is definitely certain is that all my other ambitions, hopes and plans are in the hands and heart of the Father above. To which, I need not worry - but it is humanly difficult and like in all things, it takes time.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 17: The God who is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Eph 3:20)
I write this entry with anticipatory joy, peace and a heart of thankfulness.
Today's Daily Bread was entitled "Surprise Me!" and the relevant Scripture was Ephesians 3:14-21. I believe this is very apt for me in my current circumstances as described in the previous episodes.
The focus of this passage was verse 20 which is the beginning of a common benediction said at the end of service. Paul writes:
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." [my emphasis]
The writer of today's QT highlights the instances in the Bible how the LORD works (and sometimes, surprises). She writes that "God delights in doing the unexpected" like the parting of the Red Sea back in Exodus or even Jesus turning water into wine, calming storms, healing the sick and raising the dead. All these were done not to show off, but to point people to God the Father. What a privilege to know such a God!
What does it mean for me, you may ask? Well, I believe this is the LORD's answer to a burden on my heart on the family finances back home. It has definitely costs alot to support me here in England, my brother in Perth and the youngest at home doing the IB at ACS (International) - which is defintiely very costly.
I believe the LORD can even surprise because He can do "immeasurably more" than what our finite human mind can ask or imagine. I know He has heard the cries of my heart and today's QT is His answer that He has heard and knows what to do.
Monday, 12 May 2008
I have been wading through the training contract "tunnel" ever since the LPC began in September 2007 and have not come to a point where I can see the light. There have been a few promising routes, but as I continued, some of them showed signposts such as "this is the end of the road" or "watch this space".
Last week, I came to a point where I just felt lost and clueless. At Sanctuary on Thursday, I was reminded of the Holy Spirit being the wind as the topic was on Pentecost in Acts 2. The wind can be a howling one - which can cause one's ship to make a U-turn or a gentle one to calm one's soul. That night before turning in, as I prayed, I cried out to God telling Him that "I am lost without You" and I need a direction.
On Friday morning, when I checked my email, I received something from my mum - who forwarded a reply from another "angel" in respect of a possible training contract in one of the larger City firms here in London. That reply was an invitation for me to apply via their website and they will consider from there.
I must say that this whole episode is set upon unusual circumstances and uncanny timing. I shall not go into the details here. If you are interested to know more, drop me an email. But, as always, timing is everything and as a Christian, nothing happens by chance or just mere coincidence.
On my part, this comes just after I cried out to God that I am lost - how surprising! So, while I thank the LORD for hearing the cry of my heart, I now pray for His Spirit's inspiration as I plough through the application. The form is not as complex or detailed as the previous forms I filled in, but it still requires the same amount of thought or if not, more!
Could this be the light at the end of the tunnel? I do pray it is and as my father puts it: "Enter through the gate and wait for the next signpost." For all of you reading this and understand my situation, do continue to keep me in prayer. Many thanks in advance.
I end with the lyrics of this great Charles Wesley hymn I used to sing back home, which are really appropriate in my circumstances:
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,
Let us Thine influence prove:
Source of the old prophetic fire,
Fountain of life and love.
Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by Thee
The prophets wrote and spoke;
Unlock the truth, Thyself the key,
Unseal the sacred book.
Expand Thy wings, celestial Dove,
Brood o’er our nature’s night;
On our disordered spirits move,
And let there now be light.
God, through Himself, we then shall know
If Thou within us shine,
And sound with all Thy saints below,
The depths of love divine.
Last week, I came to a point where I just felt lost and clueless. At Sanctuary on Thursday, I was reminded of the Holy Spirit being the wind as the topic was on Pentecost in Acts 2. The wind can be a howling one - which can cause one's ship to make a U-turn or a gentle one to calm one's soul. That night before turning in, as I prayed, I cried out to God telling Him that "I am lost without You" and I need a direction.
On Friday morning, when I checked my email, I received something from my mum - who forwarded a reply from another "angel" in respect of a possible training contract in one of the larger City firms here in London. That reply was an invitation for me to apply via their website and they will consider from there.
I must say that this whole episode is set upon unusual circumstances and uncanny timing. I shall not go into the details here. If you are interested to know more, drop me an email. But, as always, timing is everything and as a Christian, nothing happens by chance or just mere coincidence.
On my part, this comes just after I cried out to God that I am lost - how surprising! So, while I thank the LORD for hearing the cry of my heart, I now pray for His Spirit's inspiration as I plough through the application. The form is not as complex or detailed as the previous forms I filled in, but it still requires the same amount of thought or if not, more!
Could this be the light at the end of the tunnel? I do pray it is and as my father puts it: "Enter through the gate and wait for the next signpost." For all of you reading this and understand my situation, do continue to keep me in prayer. Many thanks in advance.
I end with the lyrics of this great Charles Wesley hymn I used to sing back home, which are really appropriate in my circumstances:
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,
Let us Thine influence prove:
Source of the old prophetic fire,
Fountain of life and love.
Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by Thee
The prophets wrote and spoke;
Unlock the truth, Thyself the key,
Unseal the sacred book.
Expand Thy wings, celestial Dove,
Brood o’er our nature’s night;
On our disordered spirits move,
And let there now be light.
God, through Himself, we then shall know
If Thou within us shine,
And sound with all Thy saints below,
The depths of love divine.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
After receiving good news on the LPC, seeing my favourite vocal ensemble in concert last night was the "icing on the cake" for this week.
Today, the King's Singers, a English vocal ensemble celebrate their 40th anniversary of making music. Their debut concert was held on 1st May 1968 and today, they would have performed about 5,000 concerts worldwide. See more information about them at their official website: http://www.kingssingers.com/.
I am glad that I booked my ticket about 6 months ago in October 2007 because tickets ran out after a while! They are so popular that they have agreed to put up another show this Sunday, 4th May 2008.
The concert was held at Cadogan Hall at Sloane Square and it was a packed hall of supporters, friends and most of the former singers of the group - including the original bass, baritone and 2nd counter-tenor!
The programme consisted of music, tributes and reflections. In between the pieces, the singers took a step back and invited some of the former singers on stage to say a few words.
The one thing that I was slow to realise was that it was possible to take photographs during the concert! It is surprising because I have been perhaps conditioned back home that no photographs can be taken during the concert.
The most breath-taking moment was at the conclusion of the end of the first half where - as the current group sang - all the former singers joined in and started coming up on stage, creating the whole "family" of singers throughout the 40 years and I missed it!
It was a light programme and the group performed songs from their early recordings (some of which may not have been performed before) and their . But, the verdict is this: they sound just as good as their recordings. As I heard them, I had the same song running through my mind - considering that I constantly listen to almost all their albums back home. I think I have about just under 30 of their albums. :p
I bought their programme, their 40th anniversary song book and their latest CD. After the concert, I loitered in the lobby, introduced myself to some of them (and saying that I am from Singapore and look forward to seeing them perform there) to get all of their autographs. See photos below:
Programme and songbook (before)

[clockwise] latest CD, programme and songbook (after)
The one thing that I must give thanks the LORD for is the weather last night:
When I left my hall, it was raining and I got to Cadogan Hall wondering whether the weather would be better! This was especially after buying the above memorabilia, where I wondered how not to ruin these priceless things, especially with their autographs affixed on them.
But, after the concert, there was no rain and I thank God for that!
All in all, I had a very enriching evening... thanks be to God!
Today, the King's Singers, a English vocal ensemble celebrate their 40th anniversary of making music. Their debut concert was held on 1st May 1968 and today, they would have performed about 5,000 concerts worldwide. See more information about them at their official website: http://www.kingssingers.com/.
I am glad that I booked my ticket about 6 months ago in October 2007 because tickets ran out after a while! They are so popular that they have agreed to put up another show this Sunday, 4th May 2008.
The concert was held at Cadogan Hall at Sloane Square and it was a packed hall of supporters, friends and most of the former singers of the group - including the original bass, baritone and 2nd counter-tenor!
The programme consisted of music, tributes and reflections. In between the pieces, the singers took a step back and invited some of the former singers on stage to say a few words.
The one thing that I was slow to realise was that it was possible to take photographs during the concert! It is surprising because I have been perhaps conditioned back home that no photographs can be taken during the concert.
The most breath-taking moment was at the conclusion of the end of the first half where - as the current group sang - all the former singers joined in and started coming up on stage, creating the whole "family" of singers throughout the 40 years and I missed it!
It was a light programme and the group performed songs from their early recordings (some of which may not have been performed before) and their . But, the verdict is this: they sound just as good as their recordings. As I heard them, I had the same song running through my mind - considering that I constantly listen to almost all their albums back home. I think I have about just under 30 of their albums. :p
I bought their programme, their 40th anniversary song book and their latest CD. After the concert, I loitered in the lobby, introduced myself to some of them (and saying that I am from Singapore and look forward to seeing them perform there) to get all of their autographs. See photos below:
Programme and songbook (before)
[clockwise] latest CD, programme and songbook (after)
The one thing that I must give thanks the LORD for is the weather last night:
When I left my hall, it was raining and I got to Cadogan Hall wondering whether the weather would be better! This was especially after buying the above memorabilia, where I wondered how not to ruin these priceless things, especially with their autographs affixed on them.
But, after the concert, there was no rain and I thank God for that!
All in all, I had a very enriching evening... thanks be to God!
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Today is a day where my colleagues and myself on the LPC will never forget - the day where we will know whether we have a "green all-clear" to move on or an "amber all-clear". This is determined on the kind of "stamp" we get on our passports.
Ever since we received our individual LPC passports in September 2007, we have been assessed periodically for a "competent/not competent stamp" to move to the next module.
Today is the day where we are awarded the "fail/pass/commendation/distinction stamps" for the 3 Core modules we set for in February this year.
For me, I have received a "green all-clear" to continue the journey as I have been awarded 3 "Commendation" stamps for all of my 3 Core modules (ie Business Law, Litigation and Property). THANKS BE TO GOD!
I am relieved and pleasantly surprised to move on. Indeed, the homeward stretch begins with commendable results.
However, on receipt of the feedback given by the markers, questions start forming in my mind. Nope, it is not whether I should have done better - but rather, could these results be signposts towards a route which I am not very sure of.
I can only enquire of the LORD, the Almighty judge for His direction at the case management hearing of my career (and life) as a lawyer.
Ever since we received our individual LPC passports in September 2007, we have been assessed periodically for a "competent/not competent stamp" to move to the next module.
Today is the day where we are awarded the "fail/pass/commendation/distinction stamps" for the 3 Core modules we set for in February this year.
For me, I have received a "green all-clear" to continue the journey as I have been awarded 3 "Commendation" stamps for all of my 3 Core modules (ie Business Law, Litigation and Property). THANKS BE TO GOD!
I am relieved and pleasantly surprised to move on. Indeed, the homeward stretch begins with commendable results.
However, on receipt of the feedback given by the markers, questions start forming in my mind. Nope, it is not whether I should have done better - but rather, could these results be signposts towards a route which I am not very sure of.
I can only enquire of the LORD, the Almighty judge for His direction at the case management hearing of my career (and life) as a lawyer.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
My 3-week Spring break comes to an end and I begin my final leg of the journey on the LPC.
Some thoughts on the concluding week on my work experience:
I had the opportunity to attend a hearing in the Court of Appeal, located at the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street!
As it was a contested matter, I witnessed the Counsel for the firm's client (a barrister with his wig and gown) battle it out with the Counsel for the other side's client before a single judge. I marvelled at the brilliance of both Counsel and the intelligence of the judge. It was an eye-opener to the art of advocacy in England - the place for law.
I also witnessed the judge delivering his judgment later that day.
So, in addition to the invaluable experience these past 3 weeks, I leave this firm also knowing that there is no training contract in September 2008 and a small nominal sum.
This small nominal sum are my "first-fruits" of my income in England. Hence, I set aside 10% of it as a tithing and placed it in the offering bag this morning at service. I gave in gratitude to the LORD for He, and only He provided this work experience for me. Thanks be to Him!
On the closing of the door for a training contract at this firm, when I was told of this, I felt relieved rather than disappointed. I had this "burden was being lifted off my back" kind of feeling and felt that it is strange in these circumstances. The usual is to feel disappointed because you have given, in one of my LPC colleagues words "a 3-week interview" to them. But, it is not the case here. Hm, what is the LORD telling me here??
I am on the homeward stretch now. Another month or so of teaching before my exams in June. After an extension of my existing tenancy agreement at the hall, I will need to move to a more permanent place to stay when I return - in faith - as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.
The other thing I want to mention are my intentions of going back home for a well-deserved break in the summer (ie July - August). I want to be with my family and friends for these 6-7 weeks or so before coming back in September to begin the next chapter of my adventures. That will be Season 4.
So, there are lots of exciting things in the coming months. As I journey into them, I know I have the LORD on my side and I just have this intuitive feeling that everything will fall into place at the right time. My LORD is a "just in time" God, He is never too late or too early.
My God is an awesome God!
Some thoughts on the concluding week on my work experience:
I had the opportunity to attend a hearing in the Court of Appeal, located at the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street!
As it was a contested matter, I witnessed the Counsel for the firm's client (a barrister with his wig and gown) battle it out with the Counsel for the other side's client before a single judge. I marvelled at the brilliance of both Counsel and the intelligence of the judge. It was an eye-opener to the art of advocacy in England - the place for law.
I also witnessed the judge delivering his judgment later that day.
So, in addition to the invaluable experience these past 3 weeks, I leave this firm also knowing that there is no training contract in September 2008 and a small nominal sum.
This small nominal sum are my "first-fruits" of my income in England. Hence, I set aside 10% of it as a tithing and placed it in the offering bag this morning at service. I gave in gratitude to the LORD for He, and only He provided this work experience for me. Thanks be to Him!
On the closing of the door for a training contract at this firm, when I was told of this, I felt relieved rather than disappointed. I had this "burden was being lifted off my back" kind of feeling and felt that it is strange in these circumstances. The usual is to feel disappointed because you have given, in one of my LPC colleagues words "a 3-week interview" to them. But, it is not the case here. Hm, what is the LORD telling me here??
I am on the homeward stretch now. Another month or so of teaching before my exams in June. After an extension of my existing tenancy agreement at the hall, I will need to move to a more permanent place to stay when I return - in faith - as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.
The other thing I want to mention are my intentions of going back home for a well-deserved break in the summer (ie July - August). I want to be with my family and friends for these 6-7 weeks or so before coming back in September to begin the next chapter of my adventures. That will be Season 4.
So, there are lots of exciting things in the coming months. As I journey into them, I know I have the LORD on my side and I just have this intuitive feeling that everything will fall into place at the right time. My LORD is a "just in time" God, He is never too late or too early.
My God is an awesome God!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Previously.. on the Adventures of Josiah...
It was the first week of Josiah's spring break and the 2 highlights of the week are:
(1) Josiah's first week at a law firm in Farringdon; and
(2) Josiah submitting his application to the City firm mentioned in previous episodes.
It is now the end of Spring break week 2 and these are my reflections of the week:
(a) I have definitely learnt a lot during my second week at the Farringdon law firm. In fact, I think the highlight of the week was the "excursion" to the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street on Friday. Well, it was a trip down to do some errands regarding a matter that the firm was handling. That reminds me of the times I went to Court to file documents back home in Singapore. I thought it was a good eye-opener into the insides of the English courts.
(b) The phrase "no news is good news" was a source of comfort for me this week. This is in respect of my application to the City firm mentioned previously. Yes, I have not heard from them yet and as I prayed about this: I had this image of being a fish (along with other applicants) in a pool waiting to be caught by the firm for an interview. This then brings to mind "casting the nets on the other side" as per John 21:1-14. As I myself was encouraged to do before, I am praying that the firm will do likewise.. :p
(c) Having being exposed to the working world for 2 weeks now, I have this strange feeling of not wanting to leave this world and go back to school... Why strange? Well, I know most would much prefer the student life over the working life. But, for me, strangely, it is the other way around. I even thought that I do not need to study anymore.. haha..
My reasons for saying that are two-fold:
(i) I have now seen the law in operation through my work experience and how it has affected people. This, to me is far more enriching than an academic study in school; and
(ii) My daily dosage of the Financial Times shows that there is a lot happening in the corporate world - both in the UK and the world. I don't remember having a similar experience back home.
But, I have the final leg of my course to complete, hence I have to leave this world to go back to school. So, like the Terminator, I say "I'll be back", but as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.
So, enough "fun and games" and time to get back into gear this week. I have work to clear and an assessment to prepare for the first day of school. Hence, it will be a busy week.
Above all this, I thank the LORD for seeing me through these past 2 weeks and I look forward to facing the challenges in the weeks ahead. Against all that's happening, I have many other things to look into, such as extending my stay at the hostel.
Like most of us, I like to plan ahead to ensure certainty and security. But, through my time in England, the more I try to look ahead, the more anxious I get because of it's uncertainty. That is a disheartening feeling which can distract me from what is in the here and now.
I now close this entry with the words of the LORD Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34, may His words be an encouragement to you as it is to me:
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." [my emphasis]
It was the first week of Josiah's spring break and the 2 highlights of the week are:
(1) Josiah's first week at a law firm in Farringdon; and
(2) Josiah submitting his application to the City firm mentioned in previous episodes.
It is now the end of Spring break week 2 and these are my reflections of the week:
(a) I have definitely learnt a lot during my second week at the Farringdon law firm. In fact, I think the highlight of the week was the "excursion" to the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street on Friday. Well, it was a trip down to do some errands regarding a matter that the firm was handling. That reminds me of the times I went to Court to file documents back home in Singapore. I thought it was a good eye-opener into the insides of the English courts.
(b) The phrase "no news is good news" was a source of comfort for me this week. This is in respect of my application to the City firm mentioned previously. Yes, I have not heard from them yet and as I prayed about this: I had this image of being a fish (along with other applicants) in a pool waiting to be caught by the firm for an interview. This then brings to mind "casting the nets on the other side" as per John 21:1-14. As I myself was encouraged to do before, I am praying that the firm will do likewise.. :p
(c) Having being exposed to the working world for 2 weeks now, I have this strange feeling of not wanting to leave this world and go back to school... Why strange? Well, I know most would much prefer the student life over the working life. But, for me, strangely, it is the other way around. I even thought that I do not need to study anymore.. haha..
My reasons for saying that are two-fold:
(i) I have now seen the law in operation through my work experience and how it has affected people. This, to me is far more enriching than an academic study in school; and
(ii) My daily dosage of the Financial Times shows that there is a lot happening in the corporate world - both in the UK and the world. I don't remember having a similar experience back home.
But, I have the final leg of my course to complete, hence I have to leave this world to go back to school. So, like the Terminator, I say "I'll be back", but as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.
So, enough "fun and games" and time to get back into gear this week. I have work to clear and an assessment to prepare for the first day of school. Hence, it will be a busy week.
Above all this, I thank the LORD for seeing me through these past 2 weeks and I look forward to facing the challenges in the weeks ahead. Against all that's happening, I have many other things to look into, such as extending my stay at the hostel.
Like most of us, I like to plan ahead to ensure certainty and security. But, through my time in England, the more I try to look ahead, the more anxious I get because of it's uncertainty. That is a disheartening feeling which can distract me from what is in the here and now.
I now close this entry with the words of the LORD Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34, may His words be an encouragement to you as it is to me:
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." [my emphasis]
Saturday, 12 April 2008
This entry will be the first of a trilogy of entries containing thoughts and reflections of my 3-week break from the LPC.
So, what happened this week? Well, it was my first week on my work experience and I had an enjoyable time thus far. There were files to look at and some documentation to be done. I even went to sit in an appeal hearing at the Transport Tribunal where I heard for the first time, a barrister speaking to the court. I will continue this work experience for the next 2 weeks with more interesting things to look forward to.
Well, the other thing about this week is that I (finally) submitted my training contract application to the City firm I mentioned in the previous episodes. I must say that this is one application in which I put in the most amount of effort and time because I believed there was a strong possibility that this is the firm for me. I do have lofty and high-sounding plans on what I will do when I securre this, but while it is good to think of these, I do need to come back down and face the fact that I have not secured it yet. I guess I will know what to do when I secure it.
So, in a nutshell, these are the happenings of the week. Stay tuned for the next in the trilogy.
So, what happened this week? Well, it was my first week on my work experience and I had an enjoyable time thus far. There were files to look at and some documentation to be done. I even went to sit in an appeal hearing at the Transport Tribunal where I heard for the first time, a barrister speaking to the court. I will continue this work experience for the next 2 weeks with more interesting things to look forward to.
Well, the other thing about this week is that I (finally) submitted my training contract application to the City firm I mentioned in the previous episodes. I must say that this is one application in which I put in the most amount of effort and time because I believed there was a strong possibility that this is the firm for me. I do have lofty and high-sounding plans on what I will do when I securre this, but while it is good to think of these, I do need to come back down and face the fact that I have not secured it yet. I guess I will know what to do when I secure it.
So, in a nutshell, these are the happenings of the week. Stay tuned for the next in the trilogy.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Today (finally) marks the end of term and the beginning of a 3-week break.
However, while there was a suggestion to go back home during that break, I have decided not to. Instead, there are 2 significant events that are taking place this week:
(1) I will be starting the work experience on Monday with a firm in Farringdon. It will be worthwhile to have a first-hand experience in a London law firm, which will definitely be different from Singapore.
(2) I will be submitting my application to the firm mentioned in Episode 9. Btw, the firm that was mentioned in Episode 8 ["the Episode 8 firm"] turned me down for a vacation scheme and a training contract. I was a little discouraged at first, but after attending Sanctuary at MCH, I felt better. I also believe this is the LORD's way of saying: "Nope, you are not supposed to be there and you don't have to wait till 2010 for a training contract."
Through this event, I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9, which reads: " In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." I might have wanted to become a finance-trained lawyer or a legally-trained accountant, hence the application to the Episode 8 firm. But, I am reminded of my first calling, which is to be a lawyer. Hence, I will need to be in a firm that will provide the necessary training for me to get there.
So, having said all that, I will be spending this weekend looking at my application and aim to submit this within the coming week. I have been (and still) praying for the LORD's inspiration and wisdom in tackling the questions. This is one moment where I will need the greatest amount of prayer. :)
However, while there was a suggestion to go back home during that break, I have decided not to. Instead, there are 2 significant events that are taking place this week:
(1) I will be starting the work experience on Monday with a firm in Farringdon. It will be worthwhile to have a first-hand experience in a London law firm, which will definitely be different from Singapore.
(2) I will be submitting my application to the firm mentioned in Episode 9. Btw, the firm that was mentioned in Episode 8 ["the Episode 8 firm"] turned me down for a vacation scheme and a training contract. I was a little discouraged at first, but after attending Sanctuary at MCH, I felt better. I also believe this is the LORD's way of saying: "Nope, you are not supposed to be there and you don't have to wait till 2010 for a training contract."
Through this event, I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9, which reads: " In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." I might have wanted to become a finance-trained lawyer or a legally-trained accountant, hence the application to the Episode 8 firm. But, I am reminded of my first calling, which is to be a lawyer. Hence, I will need to be in a firm that will provide the necessary training for me to get there.
So, having said all that, I will be spending this weekend looking at my application and aim to submit this within the coming week. I have been (and still) praying for the LORD's inspiration and wisdom in tackling the questions. This is one moment where I will need the greatest amount of prayer. :)
Sunday, 30 March 2008
After a refreshing break from the City over the Easter weekend with the Weis in Basingstoke, I am back in London to face another week of school (in fact, only Wednesday and Friday) and a window of opportunity.
Why do I say a "window of opportunity"?
Well, I received an email on Thursday from the HR department of a City firm inviting me to make a formal application for a training contract to commence in September 2008. The email also stated that the firm had my CV which was forwarded to them sometime back.
A few thoughts on this:
(1) The first of which is to give thanks for the work of another "angel". I wrote to him immediately to thank him for his assistance and believe that this is another provision from the LORD.
(2) This email comes just after I submitted my application to the firm mentioned in Episode 8 earlier. I believe this can be looked from many perspectives, including a possibility that the answers used in my earlier application can be used to fit this current application.
(3) I am more convinced that the LORD is teaching me to value the process more than the result. The 2 online applications I have made so far have made me learn alot more of myself as a person, my life and more importantly, the LORD's presence throughout. I pray that in this pending application, the LORD will impress upon my heart and mind what He wants me to include, rather than my own thoughts.
This application is perhaps more (if not the most) significant to me than any of the applications before. It is because as I am preparing the application, there is a resonating chime within my heart saying that "yes, this is where I want to be".
This then conjures up a possibility of going back home in August for a month to be reunited with friends and family before I begin my training contract in this City firm. This is the ideal situation for me and I pray that it will come to fruition at the appointed time.
So, as I close this entry, there is a window of opportunity that is standing before me right now and that as I pray for the Spirit's inspiration, I would be grateful if you could also remember me in your prayers as well.
Why do I say a "window of opportunity"?
Well, I received an email on Thursday from the HR department of a City firm inviting me to make a formal application for a training contract to commence in September 2008. The email also stated that the firm had my CV which was forwarded to them sometime back.
A few thoughts on this:
(1) The first of which is to give thanks for the work of another "angel". I wrote to him immediately to thank him for his assistance and believe that this is another provision from the LORD.
(2) This email comes just after I submitted my application to the firm mentioned in Episode 8 earlier. I believe this can be looked from many perspectives, including a possibility that the answers used in my earlier application can be used to fit this current application.
(3) I am more convinced that the LORD is teaching me to value the process more than the result. The 2 online applications I have made so far have made me learn alot more of myself as a person, my life and more importantly, the LORD's presence throughout. I pray that in this pending application, the LORD will impress upon my heart and mind what He wants me to include, rather than my own thoughts.
This application is perhaps more (if not the most) significant to me than any of the applications before. It is because as I am preparing the application, there is a resonating chime within my heart saying that "yes, this is where I want to be".
This then conjures up a possibility of going back home in August for a month to be reunited with friends and family before I begin my training contract in this City firm. This is the ideal situation for me and I pray that it will come to fruition at the appointed time.
So, as I close this entry, there is a window of opportunity that is standing before me right now and that as I pray for the Spirit's inspiration, I would be grateful if you could also remember me in your prayers as well.
Monday, 24 March 2008
It was a white Easter here in London (and across the UK). Yes, it snowed and as I saw the snowflakes, I was reminded that through Christ's death on the cross on Good Friday, I am washed "as white as snow" and I am a new creation. Thank you LORD for that new breath of life.
I want to share some thoughts that surfaced during the season of Lent:
(1) The buzzword for me this Lent is the word "Remember". One of the books that I am reading now provides some instructive words for us in our lives. This is in the context of knowing Christ in our memories and he writes:
"We look backwards to remind ourselves of all that Christ has done for us, and find ourselves reassured of his trustworthiness. This gives us renewed confidence that he will indeed fulfil the great promises which he has made to us for the future - such as raising us to eternal life." (Alister McGrath, "Knowing Christ" (2001), pg 51, my emphasis)
This is true for us as Christians as we remember what Christ did on the cross. The word "Remember" is also a recurring theme in the Old Testament where the prophets reminded the Israelites to remember what Yahweh had done for them (eg 1 Samuel 12).
At a personal level, I have seen His hand at work and I praise Him for that. So, as McGrath writes, I pray that my confidence will be renewed, especially during this "waiting period" in respect of the training contract and the "what's next" after my LPC. I also pray that it will be the same for you who read this.
(2) At the beginning of Holy Week, there was a series of events which had a common theme: accountant and this led me to consider making an application for a summer vacation scheme and training contract at a firm which is associated with one of the "Big 4" accounting firms in the world and it will be interesting to train with such a firm. I have until the end of the month to work on the application and I pray that the Spirit will guide me to what I should include in my application, especially things about myself.
(3) This is related to (2) and Episode 7, I too believe that it is more of the process than the actual result. Each application I make is perhaps an opportunity to know more about myself, to "remember" what the LORD has done and to be thankful.
I want to share some thoughts that surfaced during the season of Lent:
(1) The buzzword for me this Lent is the word "Remember". One of the books that I am reading now provides some instructive words for us in our lives. This is in the context of knowing Christ in our memories and he writes:
"We look backwards to remind ourselves of all that Christ has done for us, and find ourselves reassured of his trustworthiness. This gives us renewed confidence that he will indeed fulfil the great promises which he has made to us for the future - such as raising us to eternal life." (Alister McGrath, "Knowing Christ" (2001), pg 51, my emphasis)
This is true for us as Christians as we remember what Christ did on the cross. The word "Remember" is also a recurring theme in the Old Testament where the prophets reminded the Israelites to remember what Yahweh had done for them (eg 1 Samuel 12).
At a personal level, I have seen His hand at work and I praise Him for that. So, as McGrath writes, I pray that my confidence will be renewed, especially during this "waiting period" in respect of the training contract and the "what's next" after my LPC. I also pray that it will be the same for you who read this.
(2) At the beginning of Holy Week, there was a series of events which had a common theme: accountant and this led me to consider making an application for a summer vacation scheme and training contract at a firm which is associated with one of the "Big 4" accounting firms in the world and it will be interesting to train with such a firm. I have until the end of the month to work on the application and I pray that the Spirit will guide me to what I should include in my application, especially things about myself.
(3) This is related to (2) and Episode 7, I too believe that it is more of the process than the actual result. Each application I make is perhaps an opportunity to know more about myself, to "remember" what the LORD has done and to be thankful.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Today is Maundy Thursday, the penultimate day leading up to Good Friday - the day where all believers in Jesus Christ remember the day He 'suffered under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried' as the Apostles' Creed goes.
This season of Lent for me has been a memorable one. I recall what happened on Ash Wednesday (which coincided with the Lunar New Year this year - a significant period for us Chinese as we too begin afresh and put the past behind). On that day, through my Quiet Time, I was reminded to put all my past behind me and look forward, just as Jesus looked forward towards Jerusalem, and everything else was on the sidelines.
Throughout this season, many things have happened but the one clear message so far is this: to continue to trust. In today's Quiet Time, I was reminded that I am still 'learning the lesson of trust in the school of trial'. I know that the LORD will provide and I am thankful to those who have been encouraging me to "hang in there" and "cling on to Him for dear life". It is easier said than done and this is truly the lesson of trust in the school of trial.
Well, it is the process rather than the end-product that's the most important. So, in this season of Lent, let us all be reminded of all that Christ did for us on the cross and that we are to "take up our cross" and trust Him for He is good.
Our LORD will never leave us nor forsake us and I pray that this will be your prayer as you approach and embrace the cross.
This season of Lent for me has been a memorable one. I recall what happened on Ash Wednesday (which coincided with the Lunar New Year this year - a significant period for us Chinese as we too begin afresh and put the past behind). On that day, through my Quiet Time, I was reminded to put all my past behind me and look forward, just as Jesus looked forward towards Jerusalem, and everything else was on the sidelines.
Throughout this season, many things have happened but the one clear message so far is this: to continue to trust. In today's Quiet Time, I was reminded that I am still 'learning the lesson of trust in the school of trial'. I know that the LORD will provide and I am thankful to those who have been encouraging me to "hang in there" and "cling on to Him for dear life". It is easier said than done and this is truly the lesson of trust in the school of trial.
Well, it is the process rather than the end-product that's the most important. So, in this season of Lent, let us all be reminded of all that Christ did for us on the cross and that we are to "take up our cross" and trust Him for He is good.
Our LORD will never leave us nor forsake us and I pray that this will be your prayer as you approach and embrace the cross.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 6: Celebrating half a year of faithfulness and growth
Today marks my 6th month here in London. It was this day, 6 months ago that I spent my first night in a foreign environment far away from home after a hectic day of travelling, registering myself at the University and settling into my temporary accomodation in Wigram House in Victoria.
6 months later, I am now half-way through my course, have grown in my faith, serving in church and still waiting upon the LORD for the training contract.
In the run up to today, I have had a series of passages which ministered to me:
(1) Yesterday's QT in the Daily Bread devotional was on Psalm 27:14 where David writes:
"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, wait on the LORD."
"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him", says the writer of the devotional. The writer goes on to write that "though no one knows how life will unfold, we can decide to trust God and to focus our mind on Him. For to those who wait on the LORD, the promise is given: Our heart will be strengthened."
(2) Today's QT in the Daily Bread was on Philippians 4:19 which Paul writes:
"...My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
This is like a building block to yesterday's QT of waiting upon the LORD and trusting in Him. Why do I trust in Him? It is because He will meet all your needs. This is my prayer to Him as I continue to search for pockets of opportunities to apply to firms and to wait for replies. I keep telling myself that there is something out here for me. But, God only knows what's best for me.
Well, it is this issue of training contracts and other issues about faith that have made me grow in the faith and while how I wished there was a physical companion to share these moments with, I know like the training contract, I too have to wait upon the LORD (ie to trust Him) for that perfect companion. Above all else, the LORD has been faithful and this day, I give all thanks and praise to the LORD for that faithfulness!
SOLI DEO GLORIA! To God be the Glory!
6 months later, I am now half-way through my course, have grown in my faith, serving in church and still waiting upon the LORD for the training contract.
In the run up to today, I have had a series of passages which ministered to me:
(1) Yesterday's QT in the Daily Bread devotional was on Psalm 27:14 where David writes:
"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, wait on the LORD."
"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him", says the writer of the devotional. The writer goes on to write that "though no one knows how life will unfold, we can decide to trust God and to focus our mind on Him. For to those who wait on the LORD, the promise is given: Our heart will be strengthened."
(2) Today's QT in the Daily Bread was on Philippians 4:19 which Paul writes:
"...My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
This is like a building block to yesterday's QT of waiting upon the LORD and trusting in Him. Why do I trust in Him? It is because He will meet all your needs. This is my prayer to Him as I continue to search for pockets of opportunities to apply to firms and to wait for replies. I keep telling myself that there is something out here for me. But, God only knows what's best for me.
Well, it is this issue of training contracts and other issues about faith that have made me grow in the faith and while how I wished there was a physical companion to share these moments with, I know like the training contract, I too have to wait upon the LORD (ie to trust Him) for that perfect companion. Above all else, the LORD has been faithful and this day, I give all thanks and praise to the LORD for that faithfulness!
SOLI DEO GLORIA! To God be the Glory!
Sunday, 24 February 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 5: Half-way mark
My exams concluded on Friday, 22nd February 2008, bringing the first half of the LPC to a close. The second-half of the course will be where I will be taking the electives I chose before the Christmas break last December.
The next semester officially begins in the week beginning 3rd March 2008 with a new (but relaxed) timetable after introductory lectures on 26th February and 28th February.
Time has definitely flown by and it is hard to imagine that this is already the half-way mark! Many things have taken place over the last 2 weeks which I thank the LORD for. It is in this spirit of thanksgiving that I look forward to greater things to come in the coming semester.
As the LORD has brought me through the first half of the course, He will also bring me through the second half and pave the way for the launch of my legal career here in England.
SOLI DEO GLORIA! [To God be the Glory!]
The next semester officially begins in the week beginning 3rd March 2008 with a new (but relaxed) timetable after introductory lectures on 26th February and 28th February.
Time has definitely flown by and it is hard to imagine that this is already the half-way mark! Many things have taken place over the last 2 weeks which I thank the LORD for. It is in this spirit of thanksgiving that I look forward to greater things to come in the coming semester.
As the LORD has brought me through the first half of the course, He will also bring me through the second half and pave the way for the launch of my legal career here in England.
SOLI DEO GLORIA! [To God be the Glory!]
Monday, 11 February 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 4: It has been 5 months...
It has been 5 months since I stepped on to English soil. On this very day in September 2007, I was at Wigram House in Victoria and was about to spend my first night in London. Now, 5 months later, I am half-way through the LPC and exam week begins with Business Accounts tomorrow morning at 11am.
In these 5 months, I have become more dependent on the LORD Jesus, trusting in Him and as a result, grown for a deeper understanding of the Word and the faith. As I looked through the entries in the past 2 seasons, I vividly recall those moments and I can say that the LORD has been with me.
He has provided for me in unexpected ways and when I least expect it. Therefore, it is this that will movitate me to continue to depend on Him. As the LORD has never failed, t believe that same LORD can do it again because He is THE ALMIGHTY GOD!
Apart from growing in the faith, I am also in the frontline of many happenings in the world. As I read the newspapers here, my eyes are opened and horizons extended. Some of these happenings reflect the fragility and high volatility of the world and life. But, for me as a Christian, despite all that is happening, I know I have the Lord Jesus because His peace transcends all understanding! AMEN to that!
Well, those are my reflections of the 5 months here... I am sure there will be more to come as I approach the subsequent months.
In these 5 months, I have become more dependent on the LORD Jesus, trusting in Him and as a result, grown for a deeper understanding of the Word and the faith. As I looked through the entries in the past 2 seasons, I vividly recall those moments and I can say that the LORD has been with me.
He has provided for me in unexpected ways and when I least expect it. Therefore, it is this that will movitate me to continue to depend on Him. As the LORD has never failed, t believe that same LORD can do it again because He is THE ALMIGHTY GOD!
Apart from growing in the faith, I am also in the frontline of many happenings in the world. As I read the newspapers here, my eyes are opened and horizons extended. Some of these happenings reflect the fragility and high volatility of the world and life. But, for me as a Christian, despite all that is happening, I know I have the Lord Jesus because His peace transcends all understanding! AMEN to that!
Well, those are my reflections of the 5 months here... I am sure there will be more to come as I approach the subsequent months.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 3: The illustrious life as a student
At time of writing, the Lunar New Year has just arrived in Singapore and everyone will be going about visiting family and friends, giving and receiving of red packets which contains $$ and feasting... Sounds wonderful isn't it??
Er, not for me here in London. For the next 2 weeks, I will be spending good quality time with my beloved law books and papers. My pens, highlighters and papers will be my best friends. How lovely isn't it??
Still in "revision mode" and the routine has been eat, study, study, study (eat in between) and sleep. Indeed, the life of a student, enjoy it while it last! So, that's the Lunar New Year which begins on Thursday. In Singapore, we have a long weekend because Thursday and Friday are public holidays for us.
Oh, there is also Valentine's Day next Thursday, one might ask whether I have plans that day? The answer is yes I do, please see above. How romantic isn't it?
Also, I don't have a Valentine to send my greetings to.. So, might as well spend more time with my beloved books!
Such is the illustrious life as a student...
Er, not for me here in London. For the next 2 weeks, I will be spending good quality time with my beloved law books and papers. My pens, highlighters and papers will be my best friends. How lovely isn't it??
Still in "revision mode" and the routine has been eat, study, study, study (eat in between) and sleep. Indeed, the life of a student, enjoy it while it last! So, that's the Lunar New Year which begins on Thursday. In Singapore, we have a long weekend because Thursday and Friday are public holidays for us.
Oh, there is also Valentine's Day next Thursday, one might ask whether I have plans that day? The answer is yes I do, please see above. How romantic isn't it?
Also, I don't have a Valentine to send my greetings to.. So, might as well spend more time with my beloved books!
Such is the illustrious life as a student...
Saturday, 2 February 2008
In the last entry, I mentioned just under 4 weeks to my exams. Now, it is just under 2 weeks and teaching has officially concluded. From now until the exams, I will be in "revision mode", so do pray that the LORD will grant me His wisdom to understand, retain and recall during the exams. My exam dates and subjects are as follows:
11th February 2008 (Monday) - Business Accounts Exam
15th February 2008 (Friday) - Property Law & Practice Exam
18th & 19th February 2008 (Monday and Tuesday) - Business Law & Practice
21st & 22nd February 2008 (Thursday and Friday) - Civil and Criminal Litigation respectively
This will conclude the first half of the LPC and I will commence my electives the week after those exams end. I thank the LORD that my "PLAN A" electives of Entertainment and Media, Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions will be running. Indeed, the LORD has answered my prayer! I recalled submitting these electives to the LORD last December because there was a tendency that these electives, especially Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions do not have a high take-up rate. But, thanks be to GOD for allowing these electives to run. There are about 16-18 students in each of my electives, so it will be a small group - which means there will be more individual attention and will be fun!!
Apart from these exams that are on the horizon, the next most important thing is that I will be able to secure a training contract with an English law firm. I have applied to those firms that are offering for September 2008 and will still be making applications after my exams. My post-LPC life will be largely determined by this and once I have secured a training contract, there will be a greater sense of certainty.
I have heard "horror stories" from my classmates and other friends whom I know who have done well on the LPC but have not found a training contract... But, this should (and will) not cast doubts in my mind cause I trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the LORD who provides [Jehovah Jireh]. As I close this entry to begin my revision, I am reminded of the words in this hymn "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah":
1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land.
I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more.
2. Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow;
let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
be thou still my strength and shield;
be thou still my strength and shield.
3. When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside;
death of death and hell's destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises,
I will ever give to thee;
I will ever give to thee.
[Emphasis mine]
In the last entry, I mentioned just under 4 weeks to my exams. Now, it is just under 2 weeks and teaching has officially concluded. From now until the exams, I will be in "revision mode", so do pray that the LORD will grant me His wisdom to understand, retain and recall during the exams. My exam dates and subjects are as follows:
11th February 2008 (Monday) - Business Accounts Exam
15th February 2008 (Friday) - Property Law & Practice Exam
18th & 19th February 2008 (Monday and Tuesday) - Business Law & Practice
21st & 22nd February 2008 (Thursday and Friday) - Civil and Criminal Litigation respectively
This will conclude the first half of the LPC and I will commence my electives the week after those exams end. I thank the LORD that my "PLAN A" electives of Entertainment and Media, Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions will be running. Indeed, the LORD has answered my prayer! I recalled submitting these electives to the LORD last December because there was a tendency that these electives, especially Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions do not have a high take-up rate. But, thanks be to GOD for allowing these electives to run. There are about 16-18 students in each of my electives, so it will be a small group - which means there will be more individual attention and will be fun!!
Apart from these exams that are on the horizon, the next most important thing is that I will be able to secure a training contract with an English law firm. I have applied to those firms that are offering for September 2008 and will still be making applications after my exams. My post-LPC life will be largely determined by this and once I have secured a training contract, there will be a greater sense of certainty.
I have heard "horror stories" from my classmates and other friends whom I know who have done well on the LPC but have not found a training contract... But, this should (and will) not cast doubts in my mind cause I trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the LORD who provides [Jehovah Jireh]. As I close this entry to begin my revision, I am reminded of the words in this hymn "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah":
1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land.
I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more.
2. Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow;
let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
be thou still my strength and shield;
be thou still my strength and shield.
3. When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside;
death of death and hell's destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises,
I will ever give to thee;
I will ever give to thee.
[Emphasis mine]
Sunday, 13 January 2008
SEASON 3 EPISODE 1: The journey resumes....
Welcome to SEASON 3 of The Adventures of Josiah!
As a matter of introduction, I have just under 1 month (from today) before the first set of exams take centre-stage. These exams are for my compulsory modules namely, Business Law, Property Law and Litigation [both Civil and Criminal].
It is my prayer that the Lord will endow me with His wisdom and His creativity, yes the mind of CHRIST as I plough through the coming weeks.
As a matter of introduction, I have just under 1 month (from today) before the first set of exams take centre-stage. These exams are for my compulsory modules namely, Business Law, Property Law and Litigation [both Civil and Criminal].
It is my prayer that the Lord will endow me with His wisdom and His creativity, yes the mind of CHRIST as I plough through the coming weeks.
Saturday, 5 January 2008
SEASON 2 EPISODE 5: Reflections on my 2-week break in Singapore
After 2 weeks in Singapore, I am back in London for the next part of the LPC which began with preparing and attempting the recently concluded mock assessments in Business Law and Property. This marks the beginning of an onslaught of assessments and exams in January and February and I am glad that I attempted these mock assessments because I believe that half the battle is won when one prepares and attempts it.
What I want to do in this entry and to close SEASON 2 of my adventures is to reflect on the 2 weeks back in Singapore. At the outset, the time was definitely well-spent. But I wished I had more contact time with a few selected people. I am still feeling a little homesick and do miss them. I am pretty sure that once I get into the thick of school life again and assessments, this homesick feeling will die down.
Before I went back to Singapore, I recalled saying that the time in Singapore was to be an opportunity to recharge, be refreshed and reinspired to take on the challenges that lie ahead in the next 6 months. Have I met those objectives? Indeed, I believe I did.
What were my days like in Singapore? Below are the activities I did:
(1) Spending a good amount of time eating as I caught up with my friends, family and even my former colleagues and employer.
(2) Preparing for our Christmas dinners where my extended families will come to my house for dinner. My maternal extended family will come on Christmas Eve while my paternal extended family will come by on Christmas Day. My mother will prepare the turkey, Jonathan [my first younger brother] will do mashed potatos and I will prepare either home-made cream of mushroom soup or a salad. I decided to do the former this time around. Joshua [my second younger brother] will assist in the setting up of the dinner table. The photos of those activities can be found at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=82560&l=debc1&id=796305385
(3) Did some occasional studying in between these activities.
(4) Submitted an application to a law firm for a training contract in September 2008 before the deadline on 31st December 2007. As I prepared my application, it was an opportunity for me to sit back, reflect upon the events and happenings in my life so far and marvel at the LORD's workings through those events. PRAISE THE LORD!
(5) Went for a checkup on my heart only to find that the extra set of nerves that had been lying dormant for a whole has resurfacing, resulting in an abnormal ECG. It may not be life-threatening, but it calls for constant monitoring while I am here in London.
So, all in all, I want to thank the LORD for the opportunity to recharge, refreshed and be reinspired. In the course of it, there was space to reconnect with an old church friend. I only wished that there was an avenue to slip in a second meeting before I flew back on 31st December.
The year 2007 has been an eventful year, culminating in a 3-month adventure away from home in London to qualify as a lawyer here. The LORD has definitely been with me in 2007 through very unexpected ways.
I believe He will do the same in 2008 as He will never leave nor forsake. The only difference will be how His presence will be manifested. But, the LORD is a GOD of surprises. So, don't rush Him and let Him take over. He is after all, THE Almighty God.
As I therefore conclude SEASON 2 and begin SEASON 3 (which will likely cover the rest of my time on the LPC), I want to encourage all readers that the LORD is at work, even though you may feel He is not there. Take heart that He is looking out for us and knows our needs. Our response? To draw close to Him.
PS: School starts proper on Monday and I will be greeted by a 8-minute Advocacy mock assessment which I have to prepare this weekend.
What I want to do in this entry and to close SEASON 2 of my adventures is to reflect on the 2 weeks back in Singapore. At the outset, the time was definitely well-spent. But I wished I had more contact time with a few selected people. I am still feeling a little homesick and do miss them. I am pretty sure that once I get into the thick of school life again and assessments, this homesick feeling will die down.
Before I went back to Singapore, I recalled saying that the time in Singapore was to be an opportunity to recharge, be refreshed and reinspired to take on the challenges that lie ahead in the next 6 months. Have I met those objectives? Indeed, I believe I did.
What were my days like in Singapore? Below are the activities I did:
(1) Spending a good amount of time eating as I caught up with my friends, family and even my former colleagues and employer.
(2) Preparing for our Christmas dinners where my extended families will come to my house for dinner. My maternal extended family will come on Christmas Eve while my paternal extended family will come by on Christmas Day. My mother will prepare the turkey, Jonathan [my first younger brother] will do mashed potatos and I will prepare either home-made cream of mushroom soup or a salad. I decided to do the former this time around. Joshua [my second younger brother] will assist in the setting up of the dinner table. The photos of those activities can be found at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=82560&l=debc1&id=796305385
(3) Did some occasional studying in between these activities.
(4) Submitted an application to a law firm for a training contract in September 2008 before the deadline on 31st December 2007. As I prepared my application, it was an opportunity for me to sit back, reflect upon the events and happenings in my life so far and marvel at the LORD's workings through those events. PRAISE THE LORD!
(5) Went for a checkup on my heart only to find that the extra set of nerves that had been lying dormant for a whole has resurfacing, resulting in an abnormal ECG. It may not be life-threatening, but it calls for constant monitoring while I am here in London.
So, all in all, I want to thank the LORD for the opportunity to recharge, refreshed and be reinspired. In the course of it, there was space to reconnect with an old church friend. I only wished that there was an avenue to slip in a second meeting before I flew back on 31st December.
The year 2007 has been an eventful year, culminating in a 3-month adventure away from home in London to qualify as a lawyer here. The LORD has definitely been with me in 2007 through very unexpected ways.
I believe He will do the same in 2008 as He will never leave nor forsake. The only difference will be how His presence will be manifested. But, the LORD is a GOD of surprises. So, don't rush Him and let Him take over. He is after all, THE Almighty God.
As I therefore conclude SEASON 2 and begin SEASON 3 (which will likely cover the rest of my time on the LPC), I want to encourage all readers that the LORD is at work, even though you may feel He is not there. Take heart that He is looking out for us and knows our needs. Our response? To draw close to Him.
PS: School starts proper on Monday and I will be greeted by a 8-minute Advocacy mock assessment which I have to prepare this weekend.
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