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Tuesday, 11 March 2008

SEASON 3 EPISODE 6: Celebrating half a year of faithfulness and growth

Today marks my 6th month here in London. It was this day, 6 months ago that I spent my first night in a foreign environment far away from home after a hectic day of travelling, registering myself at the University and settling into my temporary accomodation in Wigram House in Victoria.

6 months later, I am now half-way through my course, have grown in my faith, serving in church and still waiting upon the LORD for the training contract.

In the run up to today, I have had a series of passages which ministered to me:

(1) Yesterday's QT in the Daily Bread devotional was on Psalm 27:14 where David writes:

"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, wait on the LORD."

"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him", says the writer of the devotional. The writer goes on to write that "though no one knows how life will unfold, we can decide to trust God and to focus our mind on Him. For to those who wait on the LORD, the promise is given: Our heart will be strengthened."

(2) Today's QT in the Daily Bread was on Philippians 4:19 which Paul writes:

"...My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

This is like a building block to yesterday's QT of waiting upon the LORD and trusting in Him. Why do I trust in Him? It is because He will meet all your needs. This is my prayer to Him as I continue to search for pockets of opportunities to apply to firms and to wait for replies. I keep telling myself that there is something out here for me. But, God only knows what's best for me.

Well, it is this issue of training contracts and other issues about faith that have made me grow in the faith and while how I wished there was a physical companion to share these moments with, I know like the training contract, I too have to wait upon the LORD (ie to trust Him) for that perfect companion. Above all else, the LORD has been faithful and this day, I give all thanks and praise to the LORD for that faithfulness!

SOLI DEO GLORIA! To God be the Glory!

1 comment:

Arlene Tresmanio said...

Congratulations! I hope you accomplish and fulfill your training contracts as you embarked on the long and winding road to a career in the law.