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Monday, 19 May 2008

SEASON 3 EPISODE 18: Reflections

I am taking a "break" from factual reports of my adventures here in England and go into reflective mode.

There are a few areas which I want to reflect upon. The first is the profession I am entering into (ie the law). I think I have been "conditioned" to reflect from young, all thanks to the habits of keeping a journal as well as the training contract application forms I have been filling up since I came to London last September.

(1) My journey into law

I believe it is good to think about such things at times and I don't think I ever had a chance to properly reflect on my journey to being a lawyer thus far. I guess one reason is because my undergraduate days were spent juggling my National Service commitments and the part-time classes. I thank the LORD that despite the challenges I faced, I managed to secure a 2:2. All thanks and praise to God.

Now that I am "away" from everything and in a foreign land, despite the demands of the course, I am thankful that I am able to take stock of my journey. On reflection, I must say that I am guilty of "being money-minded" when I initially decided to pursue law. I imagined the amount of money I will be earning as a lawyer and that left a smile on my face.

Strangely, I even recalled when I was much younger and began reading the newspapers, I would always look out for the "In the Courts" section and read about the reported cases. But, I never had the intention of becoming a lawyer. Hm, was the seed planted then?

Well, through my work experiences at the law firms and my studies, the money mind has since taken a lower priority and the vocational aspect takes centre-stage. The exposure to legal problem-solving has also intrigued me that I do look forward to the day when I can "talk shop" with my contemporaries. The experiences at court hearings have also made me consider being an advocate and I can imagine myself speaking in court, delivering my speech and arguments.

Through my interaction with people, I am often asked the question "what area of law I want to practice" and mostly postive comments on becoming a lawyer. My answer to this question would be that I am currently interested in corporate/commercial and litigation [both private client and corporate/commercial] But, I do eventually want to be an entertainment and media lawyer.

Now, this is perhaps the motivating factor behind my journey into law - the Christian faith. I always believed that the LORD called me into law in order that I could expound His law. I have even received comments that my name "Josiah" is a good name for a Christian lawyer. [Thank you Mum and Dad for that name!]

(2) My faith as a Christian

I believed I have grown exponentially in the faith since I came to London. I don't think I would have experienced something similar if I remained back home. The worship songs I have been listening to and singing, the books I have read and the many "moments of quiet" has undoubtedly turned me closer to Christ.

Now, I believe (1) and (2) are inter-linked. In the biblical canon of 66 books, there is a consistent theme of "looking back". Moses, David (through his Psalms) and the other prophets did it in the Old Testament and Paul in his Epistles in the New Testament. We all should therefore be thankful for the availability of Scripture.

We Christians are also called to remember what the LORD has done in our lives. When we look back, we marvel at the LORD's hand at work and this gives us the hope for the future as we "look forward".

How does this link with (1)? Well, as lawyers trained in the common law, we are in the business of "looking back", whether it is when we are dealing with our clients' problems that have happened in the past or researching cases. This parallel gives me great comfort hope as I look forward to the day where the images as mentioned above will be a reality. Till then, I am still an "aspiring" lawyer.

(3) My ambitions, hopes and plans

Just as I have looked back on my mission on the road to be a Christian lawyer, I now look forward. What lies ahead? Well, what I do know is that in a few weeks time, I will be writing the exams of my electives.

So, it is time to shift to "revision mode". I sense the pressure within myself to get to that mode now because I want to end the LPC on a positive note. The other "here and now" is to make the application for a training contract at a reputable City law firm and to settle my flight ticket to return home for the summer.

What I have also learnt since I came to England was the need to adopt a detailed approach towards everything, especially my studies. It is therefore no wonder England is the place for law. I am glad to be training as an English lawyer and I pray that I will be able to adopt this mindset.

Above all this, what is definitely certain is that all my other ambitions, hopes and plans are in the hands and heart of the Father above. To which, I need not worry - but it is humanly difficult and like in all things, it takes time.


1 comment:

Stephen Bloom said...

Becoming a "Christian Lawyer" is a career-long and ongoing challenge.

You might enjoy perusing my book "The Believer's Guide to Legal Issues" - - - I believe it is on sale at some British websites.

Godspeed, Brother!