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Friday, 18 July 2008

SEASON 4 EPISODE 2: This is your Captain speaking...

I write this episode with a joyful heart, praising the LORD for what He has done.

At 11pm last night, I was informed that my results for the LPC electives have been released. So, I went to check and braced myself for the moment of truth. When I saw the results, I was thrilled to find that I had scored Distinctions in my Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions and a Commendation in Entertainment & Media! With the addition of 3 Commendations for my Core subjects in February, I am pleased to announce that I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE LPC AT FIRST ATTEMPT with a total of 4 Commendations and 2 Distinctions and a clean sweep of the Skills and Pervasives! I believe this will act as a positive counter to the 2:2 LLB I obtained on the London External.

There was a moment of shock and disbelief that I had scored Distinctions in the 2 modules which I did not have much confidence in doing well for!! However, my heart sank a bit when I found out I obtained a Commendation for the module that made me choose Westminster - Entertainment and Media. Well, now having known these grades, I would like to know why I have been given those grades and I have requested for the feedback sheets to be mailed to me.

What are my thoughts on this? Well, I look at these results as a signpost in the direction of corporate law and acquisitions. In that sense, it is a confirmation of what the LORD impressed upon my heart to choose these electives last November. All thanks and praise to the LORD of my salvation!

The release of the results also marks the moment for me to "activate" the next step - which is to touch base with the contacts whom I know here in Singapore and in London. As always, the LORD, the ever faithful captain of the ship of life will steer it to the next destination. So, as the LORD says over the PA: "This is Your captain speaking...", may my ears and heart be attentive to listen out for Him.


Sunday, 13 July 2008

SEASON 4 EPISODE 1: Back home

Greetings to all readers from my home country in Singapore!

It has been just over a week since I returned from London and have been spending this week adjusting to the climate, the environment and all! The other thing is to enjoy the comforts of having my entire family in the house. This is because my brother has returned from Perth for his 2-week mid-term break and will be leaving in a week's time.

As I now enter this new week, I brace myself for the release of my elective examination results on Thursday. These results will determine my overall performance on the LPC, so these are important!

The common question I have been asked by many this week is how long I will be in Singapore for and the answer I give is that I do not know. It can be as short as it can be or as long as it can be. I am sure something will crystallise once my results are released on Thursday. A job opportunity over there in London? That's something I am praying for and when that comes around, I will respond and head back.

In the meantime, I am now, amongst other things catching up on the reading of books that I bought before leaving for London. I am also penning down reflections as I mull over cetain personal issues and setting things right. The penning down of reflections is something I grew into while in London...

Do miss London and all the people whom I have gotten to know. There are lots of things I can do while in London and if I had a choice of whether to stay or go, I would choose the latter. Living overseas either shapes or breaks you and for me, I believe it is the former.

The one thing that I lack is a companion to share these experiences with, someone who commits herself to following me around, which includes travelling to England and staying there for a couple of years. In that sense, my ideal companion is a Rebekah as in Genesis 24. I trust that the LORD knows who is best and will provide at the appointed moment.

Thanks be to GOD!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


This epilogue is written on the final full day in London. I will be booking out of my hall tomorrow morning at about 7am to head for the LCF Summer Term Prayer Breakfast en route to Heathrow Terminal 4.

I have been spending the past few days packing, preparing to get my cartons taken away and meeting up with a couple of people. I have also been asked to lead worship at Sanctuary later tonight and have been preparing for that. It is a privilege and honour to be able to lead God's people into His presence.

Before all this, I have a lunch appointment to go to, to check-in online for my flight tomorrow and buying a gift for a friend. Indeed, it has all come down to this final day wherein I will bid farewell to this place I called home for the past 10 months and 12.5 hours later, I will be back in my home country to be greeted and welcomed by my family.

So, as mentioned in Episode 24, I will write a reflective entry to round up Season 3 and these will be my reflections:

I came to London in September 2007 without the faintest idea of what I will be expecting apart from doing the LPC. I knew I had to also look at training contract applications and spent the entire duration of the course doing that too.

To top it all, I was also involved in Christian service at All Souls Church during my SWOT days and a musician. I also got to know the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship to which I have made some good Christian friends. Lastly, there was Sanctuary at Methodist Central Hall where I served as a musician/singer. All these exposure and experiences have helped me shape my character, moulded my own perspective on being a Chrisitian lawyer and most importantly, created a growing desire for a deeper knowledge of the Christian faith. I believe my ministry is not confined to just music, but also that of preaching.

Indeed, this is THE one thing I want to thank the LORD for - even though I may not have secured any training contract. I would not have gotten all these experiences if I elected to stay in Singapore.

The LORD has also provided a one-time opportunity to gain some work experience in a London law firm for 3 weeks and to earn some extra money - that literally being, my first fruits! I set aside 10% of this amount to be given in gratitude to God for this provisions.

Indeed, this is a day of thanksgiving for all He has done in my entire time here in London. I will definitely miss this wonderful place and the people who have crossed my path. As I head back to Singapore tomorrow afternoon, I go back to be with my family and friends and wait upon the LORD.

The journey hence continues and I pray that I will be in tune with the LORD to discern the next mission. This could range from settling the affairs of the heart to providing a job opportunity back here. When He calls, I will obey and respond- even if it does not follow what my heart humanly desires.

So, just like a James Bond movie where the opening scenes usually show 007 completing a previsou mission before heading back to MI6 to receive his next mission from M.

The same goes for me. Season 3 concludes and I return to Singapore to receive my next mission.