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Wednesday, 30 April 2008


Today is a day where my colleagues and myself on the LPC will never forget - the day where we will know whether we have a "green all-clear" to move on or an "amber all-clear". This is determined on the kind of "stamp" we get on our passports.

Ever since we received our individual LPC passports in September 2007, we have been assessed periodically for a "competent/not competent stamp" to move to the next module.

Today is the day where we are awarded the "fail/pass/commendation/distinction stamps" for the 3 Core modules we set for in February this year.

For me, I have received a "green all-clear" to continue the journey as I have been awarded 3 "Commendation" stamps for all of my 3 Core modules (ie Business Law, Litigation and Property). THANKS BE TO GOD!

I am relieved and pleasantly surprised to move on. Indeed, the homeward stretch begins with commendable results.

However, on receipt of the feedback given by the markers, questions start forming in my mind. Nope, it is not whether I should have done better - but rather, could these results be signposts towards a route which I am not very sure of.

I can only enquire of the LORD, the Almighty judge for His direction at the case management hearing of my career (and life) as a lawyer.


Saturday, 26 April 2008


My 3-week Spring break comes to an end and I begin my final leg of the journey on the LPC.

Some thoughts on the concluding week on my work experience:

I had the opportunity to attend a hearing in the Court of Appeal, located at the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street!

As it was a contested matter, I witnessed the Counsel for the firm's client (a barrister with his wig and gown) battle it out with the Counsel for the other side's client before a single judge. I marvelled at the brilliance of both Counsel and the intelligence of the judge. It was an eye-opener to the art of advocacy in England - the place for law.

I also witnessed the judge delivering his judgment later that day.

So, in addition to the invaluable experience these past 3 weeks, I leave this firm also knowing that there is no training contract in September 2008 and a small nominal sum.

This small nominal sum are my "first-fruits" of my income in England. Hence, I set aside 10% of it as a tithing and placed it in the offering bag this morning at service. I gave in gratitude to the LORD for He, and only He provided this work experience for me. Thanks be to Him!

On the closing of the door for a training contract at this firm, when I was told of this, I felt relieved rather than disappointed. I had this "burden was being lifted off my back" kind of feeling and felt that it is strange in these circumstances. The usual is to feel disappointed because you have given, in one of my LPC colleagues words "a 3-week interview" to them. But, it is not the case here. Hm, what is the LORD telling me here??

I am on the homeward stretch now. Another month or so of teaching before my exams in June. After an extension of my existing tenancy agreement at the hall, I will need to move to a more permanent place to stay when I return - in faith - as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.

The other thing I want to mention are my intentions of going back home for a well-deserved break in the summer (ie July - August). I want to be with my family and friends for these 6-7 weeks or so before coming back in September to begin the next chapter of my adventures. That will be Season 4.

So, there are lots of exciting things in the coming months. As I journey into them, I know I have the LORD on my side and I just have this intuitive feeling that everything will fall into place at the right time. My LORD is a "just in time" God, He is never too late or too early.

My God is an awesome God!

Monday, 21 April 2008


Previously.. on the Adventures of Josiah...

It was the first week of Josiah's spring break and the 2 highlights of the week are:

(1) Josiah's first week at a law firm in Farringdon; and
(2) Josiah submitting his application to the City firm mentioned in previous episodes.

It is now the end of Spring break week 2 and these are my reflections of the week:

(a) I have definitely learnt a lot during my second week at the Farringdon law firm. In fact, I think the highlight of the week was the "excursion" to the Royal Courts of Justice along Fleet Street on Friday. Well, it was a trip down to do some errands regarding a matter that the firm was handling. That reminds me of the times I went to Court to file documents back home in Singapore. I thought it was a good eye-opener into the insides of the English courts.

(b) The phrase "no news is good news" was a source of comfort for me this week. This is in respect of my application to the City firm mentioned previously. Yes, I have not heard from them yet and as I prayed about this: I had this image of being a fish (along with other applicants) in a pool waiting to be caught by the firm for an interview. This then brings to mind "casting the nets on the other side" as per John 21:1-14. As I myself was encouraged to do before, I am praying that the firm will do likewise.. :p

(c) Having being exposed to the working world for 2 weeks now, I have this strange feeling of not wanting to leave this world and go back to school... Why strange? Well, I know most would much prefer the student life over the working life. But, for me, strangely, it is the other way around. I even thought that I do not need to study anymore.. haha..

My reasons for saying that are two-fold:

(i) I have now seen the law in operation through my work experience and how it has affected people. This, to me is far more enriching than an academic study in school; and

(ii) My daily dosage of the Financial Times shows that there is a lot happening in the corporate world - both in the UK and the world. I don't remember having a similar experience back home.

But, I have the final leg of my course to complete, hence I have to leave this world to go back to school. So, like the Terminator, I say "I'll be back", but as a trainee solicitor in September 2008.
So, enough "fun and games" and time to get back into gear this week. I have work to clear and an assessment to prepare for the first day of school. Hence, it will be a busy week.

Above all this, I thank the LORD for seeing me through these past 2 weeks and I look forward to facing the challenges in the weeks ahead. Against all that's happening, I have many other things to look into, such as extending my stay at the hostel.

Like most of us, I like to plan ahead to ensure certainty and security. But, through my time in England, the more I try to look ahead, the more anxious I get because of it's uncertainty. That is a disheartening feeling which can distract me from what is in the here and now.

I now close this entry with the words of the LORD Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34, may His words be an encouragement to you as it is to me:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." [my emphasis]


Saturday, 12 April 2008


This entry will be the first of a trilogy of entries containing thoughts and reflections of my 3-week break from the LPC.

So, what happened this week? Well, it was my first week on my work experience and I had an enjoyable time thus far. There were files to look at and some documentation to be done. I even went to sit in an appeal hearing at the Transport Tribunal where I heard for the first time, a barrister speaking to the court. I will continue this work experience for the next 2 weeks with more interesting things to look forward to.

Well, the other thing about this week is that I (finally) submitted my training contract application to the City firm I mentioned in the previous episodes. I must say that this is one application in which I put in the most amount of effort and time because I believed there was a strong possibility that this is the firm for me. I do have lofty and high-sounding plans on what I will do when I securre this, but while it is good to think of these, I do need to come back down and face the fact that I have not secured it yet. I guess I will know what to do when I secure it.

So, in a nutshell, these are the happenings of the week. Stay tuned for the next in the trilogy.

Saturday, 5 April 2008


Today (finally) marks the end of term and the beginning of a 3-week break.

However, while there was a suggestion to go back home during that break, I have decided not to. Instead, there are 2 significant events that are taking place this week:

(1) I will be starting the work experience on Monday with a firm in Farringdon. It will be worthwhile to have a first-hand experience in a London law firm, which will definitely be different from Singapore.

(2) I will be submitting my application to the firm mentioned in Episode 9. Btw, the firm that was mentioned in Episode 8 ["the Episode 8 firm"] turned me down for a vacation scheme and a training contract. I was a little discouraged at first, but after attending Sanctuary at MCH, I felt better. I also believe this is the LORD's way of saying: "Nope, you are not supposed to be there and you don't have to wait till 2010 for a training contract."

Through this event, I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9, which reads: " In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." I might have wanted to become a finance-trained lawyer or a legally-trained accountant, hence the application to the Episode 8 firm. But, I am reminded of my first calling, which is to be a lawyer. Hence, I will need to be in a firm that will provide the necessary training for me to get there.

So, having said all that, I will be spending this weekend looking at my application and aim to submit this within the coming week. I have been (and still) praying for the LORD's inspiration and wisdom in tackling the questions. This is one moment where I will need the greatest amount of prayer. :)