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Sunday, 24 February 2008

SEASON 3 EPISODE 5: Half-way mark

My exams concluded on Friday, 22nd February 2008, bringing the first half of the LPC to a close. The second-half of the course will be where I will be taking the electives I chose before the Christmas break last December.

The next semester officially begins in the week beginning 3rd March 2008 with a new (but relaxed) timetable after introductory lectures on 26th February and 28th February.

Time has definitely flown by and it is hard to imagine that this is already the half-way mark! Many things have taken place over the last 2 weeks which I thank the LORD for. It is in this spirit of thanksgiving that I look forward to greater things to come in the coming semester.

As the LORD has brought me through the first half of the course, He will also bring me through the second half and pave the way for the launch of my legal career here in England.

SOLI DEO GLORIA! [To God be the Glory!]

Monday, 11 February 2008

SEASON 3 EPISODE 4: It has been 5 months...

It has been 5 months since I stepped on to English soil. On this very day in September 2007, I was at Wigram House in Victoria and was about to spend my first night in London. Now, 5 months later, I am half-way through the LPC and exam week begins with Business Accounts tomorrow morning at 11am.

In these 5 months, I have become more dependent on the LORD Jesus, trusting in Him and as a result, grown for a deeper understanding of the Word and the faith. As I looked through the entries in the past 2 seasons, I vividly recall those moments and I can say that the LORD has been with me.

He has provided for me in unexpected ways and when I least expect it. Therefore, it is this that will movitate me to continue to depend on Him. As the LORD has never failed, t believe that same LORD can do it again because He is THE ALMIGHTY GOD!

Apart from growing in the faith, I am also in the frontline of many happenings in the world. As I read the newspapers here, my eyes are opened and horizons extended. Some of these happenings reflect the fragility and high volatility of the world and life. But, for me as a Christian, despite all that is happening, I know I have the Lord Jesus because His peace transcends all understanding! AMEN to that!

Well, those are my reflections of the 5 months here... I am sure there will be more to come as I approach the subsequent months.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

SEASON 3 EPISODE 3: The illustrious life as a student

At time of writing, the Lunar New Year has just arrived in Singapore and everyone will be going about visiting family and friends, giving and receiving of red packets which contains $$ and feasting... Sounds wonderful isn't it??

Er, not for me here in London. For the next 2 weeks, I will be spending good quality time with my beloved law books and papers. My pens, highlighters and papers will be my best friends. How lovely isn't it??

Still in "revision mode" and the routine has been eat, study, study, study (eat in between) and sleep. Indeed, the life of a student, enjoy it while it last! So, that's the Lunar New Year which begins on Thursday. In Singapore, we have a long weekend because Thursday and Friday are public holidays for us.

Oh, there is also Valentine's Day next Thursday, one might ask whether I have plans that day? The answer is yes I do, please see above. How romantic isn't it?

Also, I don't have a Valentine to send my greetings to.. So, might as well spend more time with my beloved books!

Such is the illustrious life as a student...

Saturday, 2 February 2008



In the last entry, I mentioned just under 4 weeks to my exams. Now, it is just under 2 weeks and teaching has officially concluded. From now until the exams, I will be in "revision mode", so do pray that the LORD will grant me His wisdom to understand, retain and recall during the exams. My exam dates and subjects are as follows:

11th February 2008 (Monday) - Business Accounts Exam

15th February 2008 (Friday) - Property Law & Practice Exam

18th & 19th February 2008 (Monday and Tuesday) - Business Law & Practice

21st & 22nd February 2008 (Thursday and Friday) - Civil and Criminal Litigation respectively

This will conclude the first half of the LPC and I will commence my electives the week after those exams end. I thank the LORD that my "PLAN A" electives of Entertainment and Media, Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions will be running. Indeed, the LORD has answered my prayer! I recalled submitting these electives to the LORD last December because there was a tendency that these electives, especially Corporate Finance and Private Acquisitions do not have a high take-up rate. But, thanks be to GOD for allowing these electives to run. There are about 16-18 students in each of my electives, so it will be a small group - which means there will be more individual attention and will be fun!!

Apart from these exams that are on the horizon, the next most important thing is that I will be able to secure a training contract with an English law firm. I have applied to those firms that are offering for September 2008 and will still be making applications after my exams. My post-LPC life will be largely determined by this and once I have secured a training contract, there will be a greater sense of certainty.

I have heard "horror stories" from my classmates and other friends whom I know who have done well on the LPC but have not found a training contract... But, this should (and will) not cast doubts in my mind cause I trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the LORD who provides [Jehovah Jireh]. As I close this entry to begin my revision, I am reminded of the words in this hymn "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah":

1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land.
I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more.

2. Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow;
let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
be thou still my strength and shield;
be thou still my strength and shield.

3. When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside;
death of death and hell's destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises,
I will ever give to thee;
I will ever give to thee.
[Emphasis mine]